Afraid to Wash My Hair Now :(!

The last time I washed my hair was last Friday or Saturday. I usually wash twice a week but the last time I washed my hair and tried to wear it curly it was such a dreadful disaster!!!! I tried it with no product and it was just so parched and dry and puffy and frizzy and awful. The next day I rewashed and straightened it. Well, I want to try again but I was thinking of using diluted shampoo this time or co washing but since it's been a week co washing isn't a good idea is it? My scalp isn't too dirty since the weather has been pretty cool and I've been using peppermint oil which really seems to cleanse it. Anyway, I can't put it off one more day, tomorrow I must wash but I'm not going to straighten. I'm so scared of what's going to happen though... my hair HATES gel, it hates mousse, it hates butters , it just hates everything when its curly :(. It likes coconut oil but it makes it greasy and I got sick of that. Any advice would be great. My hair is a very frizzy, heat damaged 3b btw.
I normally rinse my hair within days doing a major 'poo. If I have been working out, then I may co-wash. To make my curls pop, I use a leave-in conditioner. If there is significant heat damage, are you experiencing areas that stay straight no matter what?
Have you ever tried leaving regular conditioner in your hair? That works for a lot of naturals, especially type 3's.
My hair hates gels, butters, etc. as well, but conditioner always keeps it moisturized and reduces frizz. You could scrunch your heat damaged sections to encourage it to curl. This works really well for me.
^^ That's exactly what I was going to try lol.... with fear.. but I may try it later... that and or my KCCC again, I never really gave the KCCC a real shot....
Have you tried letting your hair air dry while you put it back in a bun?
My hair comes out really soft when I do sort of keeps the moisture in and relaxes the curls a little.
I tried leaving the conditioner in and oh what a disaster lol. I couldn't begin to tolerate the feeling of heavy conditioner in my hair like that. So after trying to make it work I decided to wash it out. Big sigh..
So I then tried KCCC and it works ok but still sucks lol.

I resign to wear it straight. I am so stressed right now. I appreciate all the tips though ladies.... but NOTHING works for my hair :(.
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