AFR0ST0RY Wearing Loose Twists

^It's the eyes and nose. I definitely see it.

I like her hair, but I guess I made my twists more traditionally than I thought. Hers are much looser than mine; my hair would've unraveled if I tried to style it similarly.
^It's the eyes and nose. I definitely see it.

I like her hair, but I guess I made my twists more traditionally than I thought. Hers are much looser than mine; my hair would've unraveled if I tried to style it similarly.

NappyNelle I think she did hers on blown out hair. You used airdry/stretched hair, right? Your twists were pretty as well. I can't wait to try this style :)
@virtuenow, I'm also intrigued and have been since I saw Cipriana doing it. I think I like the idea of braiding roots the way AFR0ST0RY does--or I'd do the roots as firm twists since I remember how I hated to undo braids at the bottom of twists. I think I'd feel less nervous if the roots and ends were done firmly. I would have to get used to not washing my hair twice a week though coz you can't risk getting those twists wet.

@NappyNelle, I think the way to keep them from unraveling is to do the ends tighter. Cipriana demonstrated it here: FF to 2:36
Nonie after a closer look, @10:50 of this video, you can see that AFR0ST0RY used firm twists at the roots; and it looks like she used firm twists at the ends too. Cipriana 'done started something
@Nonie after a closer look, @10:50 of this video, you can see that AFR0ST0RY used firm twists at the roots; and it looks like she used firm twists at the ends too. Cipriana 'done started something

Oooh...thanks virtuenow. That does seem like something I could so do. :yep: (Files the idea away for future reference. :grin: )
@virtuenow, what are "firm" twists?

ellebelle88, twists that are not loose. :giggle:

These are firm twists:

These are loose twists:

NappyNelle said:
^It's the eyes and nose. I definitely see it.

I like her hair, but I guess I made my twists more traditionally than I thought. Hers are much looser than mine; my hair would've unraveled if I tried to style it similarly.

I'm noticing that too. I'm like dang! Mine wasnt that loose!

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I did mine tight at the root,loose,then tight again. Ciprianas looks like loose hair. Those are SUPER loose.

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Nonie said:
@pookaloo83 did you take pics? And I'm guessing your hair was stretched?

Stretched in a braidout overnight. Not blow dried or anything. Look like regla ol twists to me! Lol. I thought i was doing something!


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pookaloo83, you made me CTFU talmbout "I thought I was doing something!" :lachen:

I have a feeling my loose twists would look like yours coz I know there's no way I would just wrapping my hair around itself w/o twirling first. Looking at your twists makes me feel a kind of peace coz it looks to me like tangles will not be a problem. Now Cipriana's hair makes me get the shakes and a twitch, although when I heard she doesn't wash it while like that I relaxed a bit, but not enough to cure the twitch. I would still have a hard time sleeping at night if I did them like hers. Now yours I can handle. :yep:
Nonie said:
pookaloo83, you made me CTFU talmbout "I thought I was doing something!" :lachen:

Now Cipriana's hair makes me get the shakes and a twitch, although when I heard she doesn't wash it while like that I relaxed a bit, but not enough to cure the twitch. I would still have a hard time sleeping at night if I did them like hers. Now yours I can handle. :yep:
I laughed out loud at this. :lachen: glad I'm not the only one who made the :ohwell: face at the tangly mess atop her head. Breakage city for me! But it works for her I guess.

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pookaloo83, you laughing and she's got hair that laughs at ours. :lachen: I think you and I just don't understand; she seems to have her system down pat and it's taken her places we are just dreaming of.
I laughed out loud at this. :lachen: glad I'm not the only one who made the :ohwell: face at the tangly mess atop her head. Breakage city for me! But it works for her I guess.

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@pookaloo83, you laughing and she's got hair that laughs at ours. :lachen: I think you and I just don't understand; she seems to have her system down pat and it's taken her places we are just dreaming of.

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing she has course, thick strands? I don't get it either; I know I would have NO hair if I did mine like her...