Affordable product to soften tough natural hair? (need quick suggestions!!)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I have very thick, course, natural hair!! I need suggestions on a product (conditioner, leave in, shampoo..etc) that will soften it and keep it that way til the next wash. I'm mostly concerned with softness, though.

I need some quick suggestions. I just removed my braids and want to purchase a product today: I'm going to the store within an hour! Thanks ladies!!
Get the KeraCare (the same product line that makes Affirm relaxer) new natural haircare line. The Shampoo is sulfate free, their moisture conditioner is the BOMB!!! Trust me, your hair will surely thank you. Check it out and good luck.
^^^ so you've tried it? I wanted to try the sulfate free shampoo from their natural hair line coupled with their regular products
I love the Jane Carter products, which I get from the Vitamin Shoppe at a discount. I use the Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner as a leave-in and seal with the Nourish and Shine. It keeps my hair soft and moisturized for a week at a time.
Get some hemp oil and give yourself a nice steam then co-wash with a nice moisturizing conditioner - it will take a couple of treatments to get it super smooth and moisturized but it works so good.
The use of castor oil over time softens hair. I use it in my DCs and pre poos and it works well on my NG. I don't think any products are really quick fixes unless it contains all the unhealthy stuff.
Oh and a good DC should do it. The bee mine dc worked well in softening my hair. I believe it contains no protein.
A good Conditioner is Aubrey Organics White Camelia, if you want to save a lil cash Tressemme's Natural line works well.And Yes to Carrots Mud mask has lots of slip and detangles great.

I will also advise you to add a lil heat to your DC for about 15 min to help with Softness! or even put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a warm or even steamy towel for 30 mins.

As far as leave in I like using aloe juice and water. and Herbal Essenses Long term relationship leave in. and I seal with a lil coconut oil.

Hair care doesnt have to break the bank to be effective. hope this helped some