Advice....PLEASE help


Well-Known Member
I will be hennaing in 3 days when I take my braids down, this will be my regime as follows:


Aphogee Protein treatment


Deep condition

Question: Is it ok to do an ahpogee protein treatment before henna? I’m getting mixed reviews from past posts. I’m understanding that Henna is not a protein treatment so I don’t see the problem with that process.

Will my hair fall out?
Henna makes the hair strong- so you probably won't need the Aphoghee protein. Henna can also be rather drying and protein might make the dryness worse. You'll need to really- and I stress really- moisturize with a good DC if you do both henna and Aphoghee.

Personally, I'd try the henna without the Aphoghee step and see how you like it.

Henna is not a protein but it does act as one so dont do them together. I always do them about 3 weeks apart from each other. Together and your next thread maybe a Help I got a set back.

Hope this info helps you avoid a set back
I am new to henna, but I concur with the ladies who posted before me. Why take the risk? Henna is very drying and the protein treatment may do more harm than good in this process. Regardless of your process a deep conditioner is very necessary. Is there a specific reason you want to do the aphogee and the henna? If it is just to make your hair stronger, I would start with the henna only because you will see the difference. I know I shed less and those "shoulder" hairs have all but disappeared.

I hope you like the henna whether you use the aphogee or not. My vote is no aphogee:nono:.
Thanks for responding ladies!!

OOOOk I will point out that my hair is in braids 24/7 - so its like now or never with the protein because that is the regimen I follow always when I take down my braids. When my hair is not braided, all I do is, wash, oil my scalp and moisturize. So I’m concerned that my hair is lacking the protein treatments and I have not done on a long time (5-6 months).

Does anyone know of a lighter protein treatment to buy? …maybe the aphogee reconstructer?
Thanks for responding ladies!!

OOOOk I will point out that my hair is in braids 24/7 - so its like now or never with the protein because that is the regimen I follow always when I take down my braids. When my hair is not braided, all I do is, wash, oil my scalp and moisturize. So I’m concerned that my hair is lacking the protein treatments and I have not done on a long time (5-6 months).

Does anyone know of a lighter protein treatment to buy? …maybe the aphogee reconstructer?
I understand completely...I stay in braids 24/7 too, and I always had the same problem with choosing between protein and henna. The one time that I tried to squeeze in both henna and K-PAK in the same week, my hair was dry as all get out. I really don't recommend it.

Maybe you could try LeKair Cholesterol Plus, it's one of my favorites. LeKair is a mild protein treatment that really strengthens your hair (it's the recommended protein on the Crown & Glory website). I love using it right before I leaves my hair very soft, moisturized, and strong.

Also, I don't rush to get back into braids anymmore. I give my hair a rest for about two weeks, and just wear my hair natural and baby my ends. I think this is helping to improve the health of my hair.