Advice on Hair Regimine!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi all, :)

I just started my hair care journey and i wanted any and everyones advice on my regimine and what improvements i need to make

I wash and deep condition every two weeks then flat iron( either i will do it myself or i wil go to the salon) i am currently loving creme of nature shampoo and Organics Hair Mayo Conditioner
* By the way i flat iron because i naturally have super curly hair and even though i have a relaxer it is hard to manage with a wash and go style.

Between those two weeks i will wrap my hair(changing directions weekly) or put a scarf and rollers on ends, keep my ends moisturized(KeraCare essentials oils) and use no heat at all!

I do scalp massages nightly and take GNC UltraNourish Hair and One A Day Women's Vitamin

I eat a high protein diet(tuna, eggs, milk, almonds) every day and lots of water( 2 liters daily)

Lastly i have a Mizani Mild relaxer and i get touch ups about every 10-12 weeks.(usually get a trim at this time) Is this a BAD IDEA?

ALL and ANY ADVICE is greatly appreciated. ;)
Sounds like you have a pretty solid routine/regimine. My only advice would be to skip the flat iron as much as feasibly possible. Good luck and welcome to the journey. ;)
Cowgirl said:
Sounds like you have a pretty solid routine/regimine. My only advice would be to skip the flat iron as much as feasibly possible. Good luck and welcome to the journey. ;)
I agree. :yep:
Looks like you have a great regimine and have good knowledge of what helps hair (high protein diet and vitamins). I would just say to be consistent. When you find a product that works, stick with it, and try to keep your regimine solid and follow it closely-I think this will help better than trying a lot of different products all the time. If you have something that has worked for your hair for a while, by all means keep it up unless your hair starts to become resistant.

I think its okay to have your touch-ups then...I've had a Mizani Mild Sensitive Scalp touch-up before and loved it. The trims are up to you. Really observe your hair to see what it looks like, because if its length you're trying to obtian, cutting off healthy ends won't do any good. If you find a lot of split hairs, or the ends are "see through, " then by all means, get a trim. Just don't let them cut too much! :eek: