Advice Needed!


Well-Known Member
So, I've been natural for a little over 2 years. One thing I've noticed however, is that there is a front portion of my hair that is MUCH looser than my 4a/3c hair.

I doubt it's heat damage, because I rarely flat iron, and when I do, I use A LOT of heat protectant, and low temperatures. If that's not convincing enough, that section has been like that since my big chop. A couple months ago, I cut about 3-4 inches of that front section, but the hair has grown back just the same.

It's a weird texture, because when dry, it looks straightish. But if I put gel in it, it has loose curls. It's just really annoying that when I twist that section or braid it up, it looks so out of place.

Right now, it's looking like the only thing that will help is for me to completely shave it off, but even I know it's ridiculous to walk around with a head full of hair with a shaved section.

Any suggestions on what I should do?
I have the same problem. It's very frustrating. My hair dressers says it was because I slept on the side that was straighter. And that if I cut my hair it would would grow back curly. My sister did this and it worked. I refuse.
i wanna know too...bcuz i have 3c/4aish curls all over and this top front section thats not heat damage( i did a blowout once on low and cool, and it was like that before i did it, and other than that i've never used direct heat on my natural hair), but you would probably think it was heat damage if you saw it because its so diff from the rest...its just waves pretty much when its wet...if i try to twist it, it unravels, it tightens up some when it dries but its still different...and when i tie my hair up at night it gets almost bone straight so i just push it back with a headband...but im scared that when it grows its just gonna become completely straight because of the weight of my hair
lol I've cut it before thinking it'd grow back with my natural texture, but it didn't. I don't wanna sacrifice my whole entire head just for 4 inches of damaged hair.