Advice needed please


I am considering going back to lightly texlaxed hair. I've tried 7 times to successfully keep my hair natural and it is not working for me. Instead of enjoying my natural journey, I am dreading it. My first 4 months were good because my hair is short. The longer my hair gets, the more it sheds and tangles. I am not interested in losing my curl pattern, so I will be only leaving the relaxer on for 5 minutes. I'm a daily CWER. if I texlax, how long should I wait after CWing before I texlax my hair? Any advice you give will be appreciated.
I don't know about relaxers but what about keeping your natural hair its stretched state. Keeping my hair stretched in either twistouts, braidouts or a stretched puff keeps my hair from getting tangled. Good luck in whatever you decide!
If your hair is too clean when you relax, the relaxer will burn your scalp. Since you will only leave the relaxer in for 5 minutes then that is not long enough to burn your scalp. I would say 2-3 days after you c/w. If you intend to leave the relaxer in longer, a week after you c/w is better.

I am considering going back to lightly texlaxed hair. I've tried 7 times to successfully keep my hair natural and it is not working for me. Instead of enjoying my natural journey, I am dreading it. My first 4 months were good because my hair is short. The longer my hair gets, the more it sheds and tangles. I am not interested in losing my curl pattern, so I will be only leaving the relaxer on for 5 minutes. I'm a daily CWER. if I texlax, how long should I wait after CWing before I texlax my hair? Any advice you give will be appreciated.
I'm still not sure what to do. Right now I am just not enjoying my hair and I'm under a ton of stress right now. I am trying to stay positive, but I am very discouraged right now.:cry: I am looking into maybe wearing wigs for awhile. I am wondering how I would be able to do this over my natural hair.:blush:
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I know how you feel and sometimes the beginning can be discouraging, heck even the middle and end of your hair journey.

But if you are going to texlax, I would wait 4-5 days afterwards.

Best wishes.
I'm still not sure what to do. Right now I am just not enjoying my hair and I'm under a ton of stress right now. I am trying to stay positive, but I am very discouraged right now.:cry: I am looking into maybe wearing wigs for awhile. I am wondering how I would be able to do this over my natural hair.:blush:

That has helped me. Not the whole ones.. but the half wigs. I'm sportin one right now.. I think its great.

My hair is 2 strand twisted underneath. I am in the process of doing a no manipulation thing as suggested to me by my big sis Soun. So wearing the half wig keeps my fingers out of my hair.. and I have a new look. :yep:
I'm still not sure what to do. Right now I am just not enjoying my hair and I'm under a ton of stress right now. I am trying to stay positive, but I am very discouraged right now.:cry: I am looking into maybe wearing wigs for awhile. I am wondering how I would be able to do this over my natural hair.:blush:

Okay girlfriend, you and I joined the same month so I know what you have been through the past three years sooo I say this with love, please do not relax or texlax your hair, not yet. I really believe you will regret it. Give it time okay? Whenever I've gotten really tired of my hair wigs have saved me. They may not be the perfect answer but they help so much with getting you over the hump. When I wore a wig I kept my hair in twists under a comfy wig cap. And I kept my hair super moisturized all of the time. I think you should give yourself till spring to make a decision. I've just seen you go back and forth so many times and I don't want to see you upset again about giving up too soon. Whatever you decide, I wish you luck.
Okay girlfriend, you and I joined the same month so I know what you have been through the past three years sooo I say this with love, please do not relax or texlax your hair, not yet. I really believe you will regret it. Give it time okay? Whenever I've gotten really tired of my hair wigs have saved me. They may not be the perfect answer but they help so much with getting you over the hump. When I wore a wig I kept my hair in twists under a comfy wig cap. And I kept my hair super moisturized all of the time. I think you should give yourself till spring to make a decision. I've just seen you go back and forth so many times and I don't want to see you upset again about giving up too soon. Whatever you decide, I wish you luck.

ITA with hopeful's post multiplied by another 1,000,001.

DD, you've been down that road how many times? and each time it's left you unhappy for some reason or other.

listen, you're at the inbetween stage most naturals dread and you're gonna need to stiffen up and get through it anyway you can.

once your hair starts getting some really good length /or height as most of us naturals say, i really think you'll reeeeeeeeeeeeally start feeling your hair.

hang in there my sis, hang in there!
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DD, go get yourself some nice braids or some pretty kinky twists!! that'll keep you out of your hair for a good while.

do you know someone or a salon that can put them in for you?
I've decided to not relax. My friends had a Maxiglide party. I did my friend's hair and they got me in a better mood.:lachen:I'm NOT relaxing. I think the reason why I felt that way is because I didn't think my natural hair had progressed. It did! Last night I was able to put it in two lil puffs. This is the first time I was able to do that! Now I have a protective style that I can wear until I figure out how to make my twists last thru the night.:rolleyes. I think I will get my hair cornrowed again strait back. The designer ones make my scalp itch.:blush: I'm going to invest in some wigs, too. I appreciate your advice, ladies! Thanks LynnB and Hopeful! Your advice was especially helpful and motivating.:wave: Hopeful, can you please let me know of a good site to get wigs from?
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I'm glad you decided not to relax. Not that I have a problem with relaxing, it's not something you should do out of frustration. Enjoy your hair!
DDTexlaxd, you're welcome, I'm glad I was helpful.
I've gotten all of my wigs from this website:
I've always gotten quick and good service and I like the quality and style of their wigs. Overall, I do not like wigs but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. I buy the synthetic ones. My favorite brands are Sensationnel (Cloud 9) and Vanessa, but there are lots to choose from.