Advice Needed on Big Change - Please Help!


Well-Known Member
I went natual a year and four months ago and it was a great change for me. I chopped it all off and started over. My hair currently chin length when straight and above the ear when in it's natural curly state. My hair is very curly when natural. But today, I went to my stylist to get my color updated and he, among many other customers and sylist there reccommended that I get a texutrizer to soften my hair and to loosen up the curls. What should I do? I trust everyone here a lot and definately appreciate any advice or suggestions that you have, so please help.
Thank you all in advance!
Do you like the way your hair is? I think thats all that matters. It doesnt sound like he was recommending a texturizer for the health of your hair, more for appearance. Im relaxed, but if you want a looser curl pattern then thats cool, but I wouldnt pay him any mind if you are happy with you hair
When you say "it was a great change for me" do you mean it was great as in wonderful or great as in huge.

If you mean great as in wonderful then don't let your stylist influence you in what you do with your hair. If you mean huge as in you are have a hard time adjusting to your natural hair (regarding length and "manageability" then do what is best for you and in this case it may mean texturizing.
I would weigh all the pros and cons of texturizing versus natural hair (for you) and make a decision based on that.

Good Luck
dont let a stylists dictate what is best for ur hair, especially for aesthetic what u think is best for the health of ur hair...
Do you dislike your hair currently because of shrinkage? If that's the case, I'd say give it more time. As your hair continues to grow, shrinkage will be somewhat less of an issue.

Why did you cut your hair in the first place? If it was because you disliked getting relaxers, how do you know that you won't dislike getting a texturizer and having to maintain that?

Whatever you decide, just really think about what your ultimate goals are for your hair. Sometimes the grass seems greener on the other side -- but then you get there and realize it ain't all that.

You can have healthy hair either way. Just really give it some thought and weigh the pros and cons.
Is your permenantly colored? If it is then it should be question about adding another chemical on top of that... that is what I've learned here. You say that you went in for a color update right. I'm just pnoid about color and other chemical combos. IMO
Thanks for all of the advice and I think I am definately going to hold off on the texturizer.

To answer a few questions: Yes, I meant great as in good or wonderful and I love my natural hair. I was only considering a texturizer because he said it would be more manageable and there would be less shrinkage (even though I do like my hair just fine the way it is). And yes shrinkage is a major problem that I have, but I guess I will have to work with that as it grows. Also, I do have permenent color in my hair and I have considered the fact that I will be mixing 2 chemicals. That is another reason that I am hesitant about getting a texturizer.

Thanks for the advice. This is a lot to think about and even though I am still a little stressed about this whole situation, I feel better. Thanks for everything and if there is any more advice either way, it will definately be appreciated.
Be encouraged...sleep on it...I too have been (and still sometimes go through) "should I add chemicals or stay totally natural - for easier maintenance sake.
Right now, I'm deciding to let my natural hair grow longer b/f I make any decision - my hair used to be longer and I remember it not being such a problem as far as shrinkage.
Concerning your stylist, it may be that he wants it more so to make his life easier when styling your hair.
Check out some of the other posts on persons who are currently texturized, 100% natural (and long w/a good manageability regime going on), and relaxed. You may get some great tips from all!
I agree with some of the other persons who have posted already: go back to why you went natural in the first place and what your goal is
Stylists are in the business to make money. By recommending chemical services to clients he ensures that he will have a steady income due to the high cost of chemical services and the frequent touch ups you will need. If you are happy with your hair the way it is now please dont let anyone try to push you to do something you dont want to do.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
Thanks for all of the advice and I think I am definately going to hold off on the texturizer.

To answer a few questions: Yes, I meant great as in good or wonderful and I love my natural hair. I was only considering a texturizer because he said it would be more manageable and there would be less shrinkage (even though I do like my hair just fine the way it is). And yes shrinkage is a major problem that I have, but I guess I will have to work with that as it grows. Also, I do have permenent color in my hair and I have considered the fact that I will be mixing 2 chemicals. That is another reason that I am hesitant about getting a texturizer.

Thanks for the advice. This is a lot to think about and even though I am still a little stressed about this whole situation, I feel better. Thanks for everything and if there is any more advice either way, it will definately be appreciated.

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Giiirrlll - don't let him stress you out or pressure you into something you hadn't considered b4 he mentioned it. babyblue is right, they are there to increase the "bottom line" - profit.

If you like your hair as it is, just stick with it. You may have ups and downs in terms of length, shrinkage, and manageablity (I know i do), but it's worth it

In terms of softening your hair and loosening the curls, is that something you would like to do?

What products do you use and what is your regimen? Maybe some of the ladies here can help you adjust it to achieve added softness and curl definition (if that's one of your goals).

Be encouraged.