Advice needed.My mother and her wigs...


Well-Known Member
It has been about 3+ years.. Since she lost her hair to the hair dyes. The day I returned home from school. She showed me what happened. Unfortunately the hair dyes + combinations of her perm. Broke her hair off severely. But during the course of those years. She wore her hair on and off with with half weaves with a perm.. and then currently. Just wigs.

Fortunately she grew the perm out. But her hair didn't grow much. And after that she wore her wig.. 24/7. She wore it with the wig cap. How did she have her hair underneath. The best way to describe it. Is with big ceily braids..Poofy... Easy for the cotton cap to grab onto the hair. I think thats whats eating her hair.

It looks like she's not able to retain her hair. So I'm not sure what to suggest..Cause she's wearing wigs to grow her hair out.

Any advice. Also I started her up on Biotin.
I wish she wouldnt wear anything at all, her hair needs to breath and just be left alone in my opinion, if she goes out she can wear a scarf with some hoop earings or something :) just until she can wear a twa :)
Check her hair if it is damaged to the point of no return see if she wants to cut it all off and start fresh....She is wearign wigs anyways. But otherwise make sure she takes thats cap and wig off when she comes home daily, wash and DC like 1 or 2 times a week, and see if she wants to co wash during the week. Make sure she is not using dyes anymore, tell her to get a rinse or something. Use moisture on her hair 2x a day and see if that help. Throw a growth aid in too and she if she likes that. HTH:yep:
My mom just did a BC like 2 weeks ago and she has them small elastic headbands to push her hair back and she rock her big hoops....Looks good too!:grin:
I wish she wouldnt wear anything at all, her hair needs to breath and just be left alone in my opinion, if she goes out she can wear a scarf with some hoop earings or something :) just until she can wear a twa :)
I wish she wouldnt wear anything at all, her hair needs to breath and just be left alone in my opinion, if she goes out she can wear a scarf with some hoop earings or something :) just until she can wear a twa :)

I dont think she has the guts to do it. She is determined to put the perm back on her head. I wanted to her become natural. But she's not going to do it.
I think her loosing her hair depresses her alot. And I can only do so much to help her out. So I'm just gathering as much wisdom and just hope she would listen and use it.
Check her hair if it is damaged to the point of no return see if she wants to cut it all off and start fresh....She is wearign wigs anyways. But otherwise make sure she takes thats cap and wig off when she comes home daily, wash and DC like 1 or 2 times a week, and see if she wants to co wash during the week. Make sure she is not using dyes anymore, tell her to get a rinse or something. Use moisture on her hair 2x a day and see if that help. Throw a growth aid in too and she if she likes that. HTH:yep:

Her hair looks fine. The only problem she says. She's losing her hair. I looked at it so far. And it looks like she's shedding. She did state she's loosing alot of hair. I know she's very stressed out. She's always stressed out. (I cant help her with those things)

She disagrees with the fact that she needs to wash or DC her hair often. She would probably so it like every 2 weeks and thats it. She carries alot of the old school myths. And she's stubborn as hell.

Do you think it would be wise. If she cornrowed her hair while she's under the wig so her hair strands wont be easily be caught by the wig cap?
Her hair looks fine. The only problem she says. She's losing her hair. I looked at it so far. And it looks like she's shedding. She did state she's loosing alot of hair. I know she's very stressed out. She's always stressed out. (I cant help her with those things)

She disagrees with the fact that she needs to wash or DC her hair often. She would probably so it like every 2 weeks and thats it. She carries alot of the old school myths. And she's stubborn as hell.

Do you think it would be wise. If she cornrowed her hair while she's under the wig so her hair strands wont be easily be caught by the wig cap?
Yea I think that is good too, very good but I think she should still wash her hair once a week cause of all that heat under them wigs they make u sweat....I have my mom doing a lot that she wouldnt normally do but when she seen that my hair was growing from things she wanted to be just like me so I gave her a regimen for her natural hair. See if yall can fix the shedding first with a treatment of either garlic/evoo or aphogee 2 min if its not that bad or damage treatment if its bad, make sure u back them both up with a DC moiturizer.
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Can she get a different kind of wig cap? I don't wear them at all but the cotton ones seem like they would be drying. Is she losing hair in one spot? Like around the edges? Or is it all over?
It looks like around her edges. She always said she had thin edges.. I doubt it. I think the cotton cap is eating her hair. So I'm going to by the nylon satin caps tomorrow. Its amazing what they sell for wig caps.. Its crap :(

This week shes' going on a trip and there gonna style her natural hair.. (Which means I should get a heat protectant in her hair)
The cap my be too tight and the friction is wearing her edges down, get some castro oil for them.
The cap my be too tight and the friction is wearing her edges down, get some castro oil for them.

Did that made.. made her some EO mixtre with castro oil. She doesnt use it every day through *frowns*.

Well hopefully when she gets back from the trip she'll be doing it a bit differently
The same thing happened to me in 2002. My hair was about 3" all over my head. (Mine was a silly beaching thing that I did myself). I didn't have the guts to wear wigs or go out with a twa. What I did... I wore well maintained weaves and braids, taking care of the hair underneath with frequent washing, and deep conditioning.
Well I see that u r trying ya best to help her she is just passing it up. Get mean like I did and say, dont ask for my advice if u aint goig to use it. Hopefully that will make her get her act right.:look:
Yea that is good. And it all paid off....LOOK AT THAT HAIR!
The same thing happened to me in 2002. My hair was about 3" all over my head. (Mine was a silly beaching thing that I did myself). I didn't have the guts to wear wigs or go out with a twa. What I did... I wore well maintained weaves and braids, taking care of the hair underneath with frequent washing, and deep conditioning.
Try to find some mesh wig caps for your mom. She will notice the difference right away. If you have good success with that- try to get rid of that shampoo. Buy her a shakakai poo bar or one of the other natural poo bars that the ladies recommend. The cap she is using and the poo is killing what would ordinarily be progress. I wear a wig everyday for the challenge. The mesh doesnt kill the edges like the thick cap does. Wish you well. We can be stubborn. Walk slow. Dont give up on her yet.