Advice Needed (hair Loss--please Come In)


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies:

I am beginning to think that I might be having a medical issue that's precluding my hair growth. I've been taking healthy care of my hair for over 2 years now, and I'm starting to think that's it's medical.

Hair loss (alopecia) runs in our family, and I'm right at the age where alot of women in my family started to lose hair (20's).

My hair is still about armpit length, but it's thinning. Also, the texture feels a lot more brittle than it was when I was younger, particularly the ends. No matter how I style it, it seems to be of no help. There are times when I'll have moisturized my hair the night before and when I wake up the next day (no matter how I protect it--pincurling, etc.) a clump will come out from the end. Have any of you experienced this, and if so, what did you do?

It's beginning to stress me out. And I know that stress can't be good for hair growth. I've added Alpha lipoic acid and some other antioxidants to my regimen of taking Biotin; Hair, Skin, Nail Vitamin (w/Biotin); Fish, Flax, Borage Oil vitamin; and MSM powder. I can't imagine that my hair wouldn't be growing more, particularly the edges. Oh, and I've done the MN (I rub it on my hair every night).

I plan to visit a dermatologist. Are there any other doctors or specialists that I can visit? Thanks ladies!
I'm sorry to hear about your hair troubles coco. The only other suggestion I would make is to have your doctor investigate a possible thyroid disorder. Oftentimes thyroid dysfunction can result in hair thinning, brittleness, loss etc. Keep your chin up and good luck.
cocoberry10 said:
Hi Ladies:

I am beginning to think that I might be having a medical issue that's precluding my hair growth. I've been taking healthy care of my hair for over 2 years now, and I'm starting to think that's it's medical.

Hair loss (alopecia) runs in our family, and I'm right at the age where alot of women in my family started to lose hair (20's).

My hair is still about armpit length, but it's thinning. Also, the texture feels a lot more brittle than it was when I was younger, particularly the ends. No matter how I style it, it seems to be of no help. There are times when I'll have moisturized my hair the night before and when I wake up the next day (no matter how I protect it--pincurling, etc.) a clump will come out from the end. Have any of you experienced this, and if so, what did you do?

It's beginning to stress me out. And I know that stress can't be good for hair growth. I've added Alpha lipoic acid and some other antioxidants to my regimen of taking Biotin; Hair, Skin, Nail Vitamin (w/Biotin); Fish, Flax, Borage Oil vitamin; and MSM powder. I can't imagine that my hair wouldn't be growing more, particularly the edges. Oh, and I've done the MN (I rub it on my hair every night).

I plan to visit a dermatologist. Are there any other doctors or specialists that I can visit? Thanks ladies!

Go to the dermatologist and fully explain what you use, what you take and your family history.
blac_quarian said:
I'm sorry to hear about your hair troubles coco. The only other suggestion I would make is to have your doctor investigate a possible thyroid disorder. Oftentimes thyroid dysfunction can result in hair thinning, brittleness, loss etc. Keep your chin up and good luck.

Thanks so much. I never thought of this. I will research it today.
my alopecia was very specific (areata) not the overall thinning.

it took me quite a while to pick up the yellow pages and start calling derms and asking them if the handled alopecia.

unfortunately there are only 2 derms in my town - hopefully you'll have more options than i did.

he was a good derm though and he did listen to me, was sympathetic and did everything he could to help me.

make sure when you call around ask the specific question: Do the doctors in this office have specific experience with alopecia!!!
cocoberry10 said:
Hi Ladies:

I am beginning to think that I might be having a medical issue that's precluding my hair growth. I've been taking healthy care of my hair for over 2 years now, and I'm starting to think that's it's medical.

Hair loss (alopecia) runs in our family, and I'm right at the age where alot of women in my family started to lose hair (20's).

My hair is still about armpit length, but it's thinning. Also, the texture feels a lot more brittle than it was when I was younger, particularly the ends. No matter how I style it, it seems to be of no help. There are times when I'll have moisturized my hair the night before and when I wake up the next day (no matter how I protect it--pincurling, etc.) a clump will come out from the end. Have any of you experienced this, and if so, what did you do?

It's beginning to stress me out. And I know that stress can't be good for hair growth. I've added Alpha lipoic acid and some other antioxidants to my regimen of taking Biotin; Hair, Skin, Nail Vitamin (w/Biotin); Fish, Flax, Borage Oil vitamin; and MSM powder. I can't imagine that my hair wouldn't be growing more, particularly the edges. Oh, and I've done the MN (I rub it on my hair every night).

I plan to visit a dermatologist. Are there any other doctors or specialists that I can visit? Thanks ladies!
I 2nd everyone's opions but may I ask are you taking any supplements?
LynnieB said:
my alopecia was very specific (areata) not the overall thinning.

it took me quite a while to pick up the yellow pages and start calling derms and asking them if the handled alopecia.

unfortunately there are only 2 derms in my town - hopefully you'll have more options than i did.

he was a good derm though and he did listen to me, was sympathetic and did everything he could to help me.

make sure when you call around ask the specific question: Do the doctors in this office have specific experience with alopecia!!!

Thank you for your advice. What ended up being the result of your alopecia? What treatment did he give you?

I am going to try and upload some pics of my hairline and hair so you all will see what I'm talking about.
Jas123 said:
I 2nd everyone's opions but may I ask are you taking any supplements?

Yes Ms. Jas123. I am taking biotin (about 1000 mg, maybe more); Hair, skin, nail vitamin w/biotin (probably another 3000 mg); MSM powder (Vitamin shoppe brand); Alpha lipoic acid; L-Glutathione.

I also eat a mostly organic diet. And I exercise fairly regularly. I am a healthy woman, I think. I'm about 5'2" and I weigh between 98-106 pounds, so I'm not overweight. I don't think anything is wrong, but I'm starting to be concerned.

It just seems that with all the healthy things I'm doing to my hair (little heat, frequent moisturizing, stretching relaxers), I'm losing an awful lot of hair. And I know sometimes people can be paranoid, but my hair is literally falling out in clumps.

It feels so brittle and weak, almost like an elderly ladies (you know how elderly people's hair gets thin and weak). Well I'm only in my 20's, so I'm concerned. And I moisturize at least once/day, sometimes even 2x daily.

I was told that this could be hormonal. I have horrendous menstrual cycles, but I'm not sure if that's related to the hormonal issues??? Maybe.
cocoberry10 said:
Yes Ms. Jas123. I am taking biotin (about 1000 mg, maybe more); Hair, skin, nail vitamin w/biotin (probably another 3000 mg); MSM powder (Vitamin shoppe brand); Alpha lipoic acid; L-Glutathione.

I also eat a mostly organic diet. And I exercise fairly regularly. I am a healthy woman, I think. I'm about 5'2" and I weigh between 98-106 pounds, so I'm not overweight. I don't think anything is wrong, but I'm starting to be concerned.

It just seems that with all the healthy things I'm doing to my hair (little heat, frequent moisturizing, stretching relaxers), I'm losing an awful lot of hair. And I know sometimes people can be paranoid, but my hair is literally falling out in clumps.

It feels so brittle and weak, almost like an elderly ladies (you know how elderly people's hair gets thin and weak). Well I'm only in my 20's, so I'm concerned. And I moisturize at least once/day, sometimes even 2x daily.

I was told that this could be hormonal. I have horrendous menstrual cycles, but I'm not sure if that's related to the hormonal issues??? Maybe.

Are you eating enough foods with iron (beef, chicken, or nuts) or taking an iron supplements? When your iron level is low, hair loss can be a result...
BrownSkin2 said:
Are you eating enough foods with iron (beef, chicken, or nuts) or taking an iron supplements? When your iron level is low, hair loss can be a result...

hmm. I do eat a fair amount of fish, but I had basically cut out beef and don't eat much chicken. I will definitely have to add that. I know anemia runs in our family. Thanks for the tip.
I'm very sorry to hear of this however, I do agree with BrownSkin2. Protein from meats are really essential to hair growth. I'm sure there are several vegans on the board who could possibly provide some guidance.

You should probably revisit not eliminating meats from your diet and/or find a supplement that can suffice. What you're experiencing sounds internal. Please get a professional opinion. I wish you the best...
I'm very sorry to hear of this however, I do agree with BrownSkin2. Protein from meats are really essential to hair growth. I'm sure there are several vegans on the board who could possibly provide some guidance.

You should probably revisit not eliminating meats from your diet and/or find a supplement that can suffice. What you're experiencing sounds internal. Please get a professional opinion. I wish you the best...
TonicaG said:
I'm very sorry to hear of this however, I do agree with BrownSkin2. Protein from meats are really essential to hair growth. I'm sure there are several vegans on the board who could possibly provide some guidance.

You should probably revisit not eliminating meats from your diet and/or find a supplement that can suffice. What you're experiencing sounds internal. Please get a professional opinion. I wish you the best...

Thanks a lot!
Have you considered relaxer damage due to insufficient rinsing and neutralizing, or one too strong for your hair type, or scalp reaction to the chemical in the relaxer? I would consider that. I know someone who experienced this who had a beautiful thick head of hair, twice relaxed, same problem, no relaxer, no problem. Relaxer took her midback length hair out like anaesthetic. bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Have you considered relaxer damage due to insufficient rinsing and neutralizing, or one too strong for your hair type, or scalp reaction to the chemical in the relaxer? I would consider that. I know someone who experienced this who had a beautiful thick head of hair, twice relaxed, same problem, no relaxer, no problem. Relaxer took her midback length hair out like anaesthetic. bonjour
That's definitely a possibility. I will stretch for longer and use a more mild relaxer. Thanks for the advice. I'm still going to see a dermatologist.
cocoberry10 said:
hmm. I do eat a fair amount of fish, but I had basically cut out beef and don't eat much chicken. I will definitely have to add that. I know anemia runs in our family. Thanks for the tip.

hmmm the fact that you mentioned anemia made me wonder. sometimes hair loss is an indicator.

i'm not a big meat eater myself. but do you like edamame? it even has more iron than beef! it's like boiled green soybeans and it's very tasty with sea salt. or you can mix it into fresh salads (think of spinach - lotsa iron there!) or even rice.
Cocberry10, please have your thyroid checked. You have mentioned 4symptoms that are key: horrible cycles, thinning hair, brittle hair, and anemia.
You can easily have this done through an endocrinologist. They specialize in this type of disorder. You can do a google search for more info on symptoms and treatment. It involves a simple blood test, and yes it can run in families, and yes with daily medication (and periodic blood tests monitored by your doctor) most symptoms (including hair problems) are reversible.
cocoberry10 said:
Hi Ladies:

I am beginning to think that I might be having a medical issue that's precluding my hair growth. I've been taking healthy care of my hair for over 2 years now, and I'm starting to think that's it's medical.

Hair loss (alopecia) runs in our family, and I'm right at the age where alot of women in my family started to lose hair (20's).

My hair is still about armpit length, but it's thinning. Also, the texture feels a lot more brittle than it was when I was younger, particularly the ends. No matter how I style it, it seems to be of no help. There are times when I'll have moisturized my hair the night before and when I wake up the next day (no matter how I protect it--pincurling, etc.) a clump will come out from the end. Have any of you experienced this, and if so, what did you do?

It's beginning to stress me out. And I know that stress can't be good for hair growth. I've added Alpha lipoic acid and some other antioxidants to my regimen of taking Biotin; Hair, Skin, Nail Vitamin (w/Biotin); Fish, Flax, Borage Oil vitamin; and MSM powder. I can't imagine that my hair wouldn't be growing more, particularly the edges. Oh, and I've done the MN (I rub it on my hair every night).

I plan to visit a dermatologist. Are there any other doctors or specialists that I can visit? Thanks ladies!

I am sorry about that. I went through it as well. they say its inflammation, internally that attacks the follicles and then they fall out.
you need a bcomplex, something antinflammatory like emu oil. you can apply it overnight with a cap. alopecia usually resolves by itself but you can probably halt the hairloss by using some methods. mix essential oils and herbs in the emu oil like burdock, nettle, rosemary. here is a mixture that worked for me (esso spray ( its a mix of about 6 essential oils. circulation is important so i recommend cayenne but cayenne can also cause inflammation so you can use other scalp warmers like castor.

alpha lipoic acid internally should help to control the inflammation. the dermatologist will most likely prescribe clobetasol for bald areas if you have any. i strongly recommend emu oil externallly though. my bald patch is recovering. goodluck