Advice For Middle Age Hair Loss/thinning


New Member
Has anyone experienced hairloss/thinning with menopause? If so, have you found anything that helps? I have tried Rogaine, topical steroid creams without success. I have lost almost 1 inch of my hairline. Im becoming very anxious and afraid I will end up looking like a man by the head. Can anybody help?

Have you checked with your dermatologist to see what he has to say? I have a friend that is going thru this and she has made an appointment to see her dermatologist.
Go yell at your gyn...loudly. My girlfriend went thru some serious thinning until the doctor changed her meds. She was furious. She now uses essential oils and keeps her hair in twists. She's natural BTW. The oils and good hair care will stimulate growth, but the meds HAVE to be changed.
Hi Ladydee~

Thanks for the reply. I have relaxed hair and Im just beginning to use the great advise from the boards. I currently take no meds and would like to know what med RX helped your friend. Im also not familiar with the essential oils and how they would differ from regular hair oils.

Hi Stylepink~

Thanks for the reply. I have been to two different dematologists and an internal medicine doctor regarding my hair loss. They are all stumped! I have had a variety of diagnosis and treatments..none of which are helping. All the while my hair is getting thinner and my hairline is going further and further back. At this point Im looking for "snake oil" or ANYTHING that may help. Im afraid that before long, I will end up looking like a Klingon!

I'm on the Vivelle Dot and since my hysterctomy I've had no problems with my hair...but it did affect my thyroid levels so I had a brief problems with my hair until I got the numbers under control. I agree with the one of the other ladies, go see your GYN and have your thyroid levels(and any other hormone) checked. Estrogen levels(or lack of) affect your other hormones too including the thyriod. They are fine tuned to work with each other and any change to one will affect the others.
Thanks Sweetcoco~

I have has every blood test from the standard to the bazzar and they are all within normal limits. However, I still suspect a hormone problem. I will check out info about the "dot". Thanks for the reply.

Yes, this has happen to me also, I went to my gyn, she did all sorts of testing, yeah, hormore related but I did not want to take any HRT's. My other options were high doses of calcium, b-vits, epo, flaxseed oil. I was also having other gyn problems (bad cramp) PMS, BMS AMS just to name a few. the high doses to vits help with my symptom, until one day I ran across a friend of my mother (who is into herbs) and she told me about this tincture (spirit of healing) well, I tried it, and my hair started growing back slowing on my hairline (no need to name other places either) along with haircare system of nioxin. In about eight months I got great results and I am pleased. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply. Is the tincture you used store bought or homemade? I would be interested in trying it

I recently increased my biotin to a total of 12mg daily, in addition I take a hair vitamin. One of the other great lady's from the board told me about a multi and a DHT blocker, both of which I ordered but, have not started yet.
I appreciate your time and Im glad you found something that helped your loss, Im hoping something will help me as well.
