Advice: Different Paths to Salvation

Ms Red

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

Any advice about this would be appreciated. :)

I have been with my boyfriend for a few years and we are both in our twenties. I received God in my life and was saved at the age of ten. My family grew up in the same church and have attended since my great-grandmother went. We are all believers of God.

My boyfriend grew up in the church as well. He believes in God and accepts Jesus Christ as his savior but his upbringing was a little different. His mom kept he and his 6 siblings indoctrinated in the church (6, sometimes 7 days a week). He was one of those men who was constantly being force-fed information about religion (i.e. not "God" or his "relationship with God") and from what he tells me, his mom had herself and the kids sort of in a church-like cult. That didn't shake my bf per se, but it didn't help him to strengthen his walk with the Lord.

Something occurred with his mother and their PASTOR. It resulted in a child born out of wedlock. My boyfriend is very respectful toward his mother but over the years I have assessed that he lost respect for her because of this horrible decision. This incident greatly affected his faith in the Church.

The reason I ask for advice is because it finally seems that me and him are on a similar path when it comes to our relationships with God. BF has been through quite a few things lately that has tested his faith. He has been praying, reading the word, attending church. But since I have known God for SO long, I automatically expected his path to be the same as mine. I realize that some people do not get saved until much later in life and I'm under the impression that since he is a believer in Christ that either he is on his way toward salvation or already there as a babe in Christ. I really feel that we are matched well and pray on the issue but we are in different stages of our relationship with God. He has had a few 'setbacks'... We are discussing marriage and he is adamant about getting pre-marital counseling with our pastor, which I think will be beneficial. But will our different stages make a difference? Looking back at my mom and dad's marriage, they were in different stages as well and what mattered is that they were both believers in Christ. This is really on my mind because I feel that he wants to make a lifelong commitment to me and get married.

Please advise! tia.

ETA: We are also in a relationship without sex or intimacy. He has been there before but I haven't and he has respected that decision for our whole relationship--4 yrs.
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cupcake said:
Hi Ladies,

Any advice about this would be appreciated. :)

I have been with my boyfriend for a few years and we are both in our twenties. I received God in my life and was saved at the age of ten. My family grew up in the same church and have attended since my great-grandmother went. We are all believers of God.

My boyfriend grew up in the church as well. He believes in God and accepts Jesus Christ as his savior but his upbringing was a little different. His mom kept he and his 6 siblings indoctrinated in the church (6, sometimes 7 days a week). He was one of those men who was constantly being force-fed information about religion (i.e. not "God" or his "relationship with God") and from what he tells me, his mom had herself and the kids sort of in a church-like cult. That didn't shake my bf per se, but it didn't help him to strengthen his walk with the Lord.

Something occurred with his mother and their PASTOR. It resulted in a child born out of wedlock. My boyfriend is very respectful toward his mother but over the years I have assessed that he lost respect for her because of this horrible decision. This incident greatly affected his faith in the Church.

The reason I ask for advice is because it finally seems that me and him are on a similar path when it comes to our relationships with God. BF has been through quite a few things lately that has tested his faith. He has been praying, reading the word, attending church. But since I have known God for SO long, I automatically expected his path to be the same as mine. I realize that some people do not get saved until much later in life and I'm under the impression that since he is a believer in Christ that either he is on his way toward salvation or already there as a babe in Christ. I really feel that we are matched well and pray on the issue but we are in different stages of our relationship with God. He has had a few 'setbacks'... We are discussing marriage and he is adamant about getting pre-marital counseling with our pastor, which I think will be beneficial. But will our different stages make a difference? Looking back at my mom and dad's marriage, they were in different stages as well and what mattered is that they were both believers in Christ. This is really on my mind because I feel that he wants to make a lifelong commitment to me and get married.

Please advise! tia.

ETA: We are also in a relationship without sex or intimacy. He has been there before but I haven't and he has respected that decision for our whole relationship--4 yrs.

Wow....this alone is awesome! :)

I'll be back to respond......
Father, Please show me the way, wherein I should walk; and Dear Father make it plain.

In Jesus' name, I give you all the praise and I thank you for your Divine guidance and defined answers, for I know not what you know, and in this path, I am so unsure as to where I am to go. Thank you Father God; with all of my heart. -- Amen.

Lord, "Teach thou me that which I do not see; where I have sinned ('erred') I will do no more."
cupcake said:
Thank you two beautiful ladies :kiss:
Right back at...beautiful 'you' too :kiss:

The answers will come. Don't worry anymore. I know it's easier to say that than done, but it's true...God will not withhold His answers for you. I love His word when He says, "I would not have you ignorant." ;)

Mark 4:22: I love this one too... :love:

"For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither is anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad."

Cupcake, the answers are at hand...they are nigh even at your very door. Amen? ... Amen! ;). :up: