Advertising... what gets you!!!!


New Member
I am soon going to be launching an online hair site and was wondering what kind of advertising, makes you more likely to purchase.

a) Real model picture in the ad


b) A cartoon like pic with bright colours

Do you think that the cartoon pic would most ikely work against the product or will it intrigue you.

All help is appreciated.
Thanks ladies
a hair product? a picture of some real hair. I don't have cartoon hair so I'm not likely to buy cartoon shampoo... or whatever :rolleyes:
I prefer a real model pic to a cartoon-like pic. But what gets me most are really good images of the products, a good description, volume/size info and a full ingredient list. Most of the sites that I frequently buy from don't have model or cartoon pics but they do have good product pics and descriptions.
Sorry I should mention that it is not a hair product but is hair instead. I was thinking that everyone knows what hair looks like, so why not put a spin on it and make it eye catching. Its only really to invite you to the site where you can see the hair...Have your opinions changed or you still stick to wanting to see the product looks like.

LOL to the cartoon hair comment!!!
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Sorry I should mention that it is not a hair product but is hair instead. I was thinking that everyone knows what hair looks like, so why not put a spin on it and make it eye catching. Its only really to invite you to the site where you can see the hair...Have your opinions changed or you still stick to wanting to see the product looks like.

LOL to the cartoon hair comment!!!

Definitely real models then. I'd prefer a site that showed the hair, the model and allowed viewing a larger image of the hair (zoom).
real models or close ups of hair in packs to show color, wave pattern, etc. and probably a description of what styles they work w/ best - like certain hair is better for kinky twists or microbraids and etc.