Advertising for LHCF, giving out cards

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member

Seriously ladies, I've been on this site as a lurker for a minute but once i joined the gates opened up lol. I was out at a lounge last night, and at certain point I started thinking how many people know about this site, (well with the scarce NTM products in the Target in Gaitherburg I figured a lot :lol: ) anyways as i was leaving i noticed some sistas that could definitely benefit from the knowledge this forum possed and i thought to myself, I wish i could introduce them to this site. at one point i imagined myself walking up to them and handing them a card

I'm sure every ladies would like to know the proper way to take care of their hair. Imagine the revolution it will bring:eek: :lachen:
You'd think. But the problem is ladies have to really want to do what's necessary to grow their hair long. And when you start talking baggying,protective styling, topical treatments, CO washing, their eyes just glaze over. Especially strangers. Better they approach me with questions IMO but even then it's spotty.
Yep, I can imagine you walking up to a total stranger and handing them a card. :eek:
Girl, you may want to call the ambulance beforehand! :lachen:

Unfortunately, you know how some women can get...doesn't matter if their hair is a dry, bird's nest of a mess, they will sock you in the face if you dare imply it doesn't look good.

Some might welcome it though. :look:

We'd posted on the board before about having keychains or a secret "intro line"...just to identify other members.
My hair isn't nearly as close to has healthy as I want and certainly not as long as I'd like.

But since being on LHCF, I have noticed a difference.

And when I see people with their hair in the state mine use to be, I want to tell them, 'Now, I don't know hair that well, but check out LHCF'

But then, I'd be in the hospital
i don't think i'd ever volunteer lhcf to anyone that didn't ask...but the one time someone did approach me about my hair in the BSS, instead of suggesting products to them i just said 'i don't wanna send you off b/c i don't know your hair the way you do...but everything i know and do to my hair, i got off this site...' and i usually write down the address...what they choose to do with it after that is on them...but i totally feel you tryin to help other sistahs out!!! :p