Adore Truly Red Hair Colour


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I have used Adore Colour after a relaxer in the past without any problems from what I remember for a number of years (before healthy hair care practices) but I have been using the Rage and React brand for a while now. My friend has been using Adore and has a beautifully red colour which shows up very well which I am thinking of trying. She said however that it use to make her hair dry but this time she added half a bottle of castor oil n 2 bottles of colour and left it in for 2 hours without heat. Has anyone added oil to semi perm colour after a relaxer, what was the result? Did the oil weigh down your hair? Anyone used Adore without oil, was your hair dry? Does it come off on your hands?

Any tips appreciated
I haven't, but I hope someone will be able to answer your question. I used to use semi perm color (sometimes immediately) after my relaxer with no problems (dryness or otherwise). I used to use it myself and have had a professional apply it. hth
I have applied semi-permanents many times right after a relaxer. It's fine, just do it without heat coz the cuticles are already open. I have never added oil to it personally.

Yes, I did try Adore, and I did do what I usually do which is do a deep moisturizing DC afterwords. I did have more dryness problems than my other semi-permanents, because if I remember correctly Adore does have alcohol in it. A good semi-permanent is ammonia free and peroxide free, and better if it is also alcohol free. But alcohol is not such a bad demon as ammonia and peroxide. I do know Adore has no ammonia or peroxide.

As far as it coming off on your hands, pillows, shirt collars, winter coats, make sure you rinse it ALL out. Rinse the water until it is crystal clear (it does take a while). Your color is not going to last longer if you don't rinse off all the excess. All you're gonna have is a laundry pile of bed sheets, pillow cases, shirts, and coats stained in light red/ pink from the hair dye. Wear gloves (red fingernails), and put vaseline on your forehead (red forehead).

I always do 15 to 20 min with heat or 1 hr without. I 've never gone 2 hours., so Idk the result of that. My faves are Jazzings and Beautiful Collections just for fyi.
I recently started using adore in jet black and I love it.... I always shampoo, color then deep condition.. B/c the last step is deep conditioning my hair is never dry and it comes out just the way I want. ;)