Adore the new man: Hate him touching my hair!


New Member

Well, glory to God, I met a wonderful Christian man who seems to think I'm beautiful despite all my flaws.

Yet, he LOOOOOOOOVES to touch my hair. Last night I went over to see him and we were lying on the floor watching tv and he was just all up in my nape expecially! Now everyone knows you don't manipulate the nape LOL. :lol:

So I get home last night, and I'm all up in my nape with the castor oil moisturizing. In addition, I was feeling so guilty for lying down on the floor with him without my hair covered, but I didn't think whipping my emergency satin bonnet outta my purse woulda been sexy at the time LOL.

I guess I should be feeling blessed that my hair is thick and soft and appeals to him, but in reality I just wanna say GET OUTTA MY HEAD LOL.

Anyone ever felt like this before? How do you ladies deal with your SO touching your hair?

tell him straight up...or eles it will become a bad habit that you'll grow to resent him for, then he'll said, "but baby it never bothered you before" Nip it in the bud. Sweetly and gentley of course :)
My new guy was playing in my hair Friday night also while we were watching movies.. I was kinda like :mad: but kinda :). Since he didn't pull hard it's "ok". I might just start wearing it up during blockbuster nights... haven't decided to say anything or not yet.

Let me know what you decide grl :lachen:
Damn, you can say that again! :eek: :lachen:

OP: well, isn't massage good for hair growth? Let him be all up in the nape--you can get some extra length; use him to your hair benefit! :lol:

Twisties said:
Be glad you have someone girl, some of us still praying for that:lachen:
I know what you mean about those "emergency bonnets." I tuck one in my purse when I go to my boyfriend's house for that extra protection...not against him, but from just laying on the couch on the cotton pillow.
Okay - I've been wondering this for quite a while and, trust me, I did a search to see if the topic had been discussed. SInce we're on the subject of men and hair...

When you're beyond the moving watching stage and still lying down, what do you do with your hair then? I mean, I don't always get to be on top:p . Do you always make sure you're on the silk pillowcase? How do you do that? I can't even keep my silk scarf on while sleeping, I don't know how I would do so while "doing the deed."

I am not sure how explicit I can be without getting nto trouble with moderators. Right now, I am C&Ging, so it's not a problem, but I won't be in braids forever. And while I'm really want my hair long, I can't imagine giving up sex to keep it that way.

newflowers said:
Okay - I've been wondering this for quite a while and, trust me, I did a search to see if the topic had been discussed. SInce we're on the subject of men and hair...

When you're beyond the moving watching stage and still lying down, what do you do with your hair then? I mean, I don't always get to be on top:p . Do you always make sure you're on the silk pillowcase? How do you do that? I can't even keep my silk scarf on while sleeping, I don't know how I would do so while "doing the deed."

I am not sure how explicit I can be without getting nto trouble with moderators. Right now, I am C&Ging, so it's not a problem, but I won't be in braids forever. And while I'm really want my hair long, I can't imagine giving up sex to keep it that way.


My hair is the last thing I'm worried about when I'm doing the deed. Don't sweat it... just moisturize when you're done. :lol:
Cleve_gryl said:
:look: I'll come back when I have this the meantime I'll massage my own damn head!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Personally I like when my man touches my hair. I keep up my henna and protein treatments so it can handle it. :D

He told me that he likes my NG - "underbrush" he calls it. But, I have to keep him straight if he pulls too hard.
Get him to give you a scalp massage and everyone's happy.

[size=-2]*LHCF hat on* (And you might even get some extra growth from it!)[/size]
I like when he plays in my hair. He is always so gentle, like he is scared. One time, he asked my permission. I was a little confused and asked him why he felt the need to ask. His eyes got wide and he said, "Every body knows you dont mess with a black woman's hair!" It was funny the way he said it, but kind of sad too. Just seemed like another way some men feel that black women are unaccessible. Him playing in my hair kind of relaxes me too.
There are times, believe it or not, when I say..."it's just hair"...I try to relax and enjoy it while it lasts. :D
HoneyDew said:

He told me that he likes my NG - "underbrush" he calls it. But, I have to keep him straight if he pulls too hard.

:scratchch Interesting. I thought it was so weird when this guy I was dating finally saw me with my hair out and kept feeling my roots the entire time we were chillin. I was so uncomfortable because I was 'on' La India at the time so I had some wild crazy, thick, unfriendly new growth. (before my current state of thin, stringy hair)
Interesting thoughts...I mean obviously I don't whip out a bonnet before sex, but usually when I'm just chilling around the home I cover my hair. Perhaps I'll try to explain why I don't want him rubbing my nape in a nice way. It's just my most fragile area and it's been a hard road nursing it to health. Maybe I can direct him to my less dry/less fragile crown.

LuvLiLocks said:
:scratchch Interesting. I thought it was so weird when this guy I was dating finally saw me with my hair out and kept feeling my roots the entire time we were chillin. I was so uncomfortable because I was 'on' La India at the time so I had some wild crazy, thick, unfriendly new growth. (before my current state of thin, stringy hair)

I am sure he liked the way your NG felt.

Girl, all this past weekend my BF had been messing with my roots. It prompted him to say "Just for fun, why don't you go totally natural."

I got so much scalp stimulation this weekend, that I don't want to go for my touchup! :)
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The last thing I'm worried about is my hair if I'm doing the deed or some fine man is all up in my hair. :p
Cotton pillow, no pillow, floor, I don't care in those moments. I'll worry about scarves and protection styles some other time!;)
Lmao:lol: ...GIIRRLL u bet not whip out dat dag on bonnet!!!! Not cute...And let that good man play in ur hair as long as he dont tangle it and pull it its fine..Your hair is one of the things he like about u so let him play ..Carefully of course:cool:
chayil0427 said:

Well, glory to God, I met a wonderful Christian man who seems to think I'm beautiful despite all my flaws.

Yet, he LOOOOOOOOVES to touch my hair. Last night I went over to see him and we were lying on the floor watching tv and he was just all up in my nape expecially! Now everyone knows you don't manipulate the nape LOL. :lol:

So I get home last night, and I'm all up in my nape with the castor oil moisturizing. In addition, I was feeling so guilty for lying down on the floor with him without my hair covered, but I didn't think whipping my emergency satin bonnet outta my purse woulda been sexy at the time LOL.

I guess I should be feeling blessed that my hair is thick and soft and appeals to him, but in reality I just wanna say GET OUTTA MY HEAD LOL.

Anyone ever felt like this before? How do you ladies deal with your SO touching your hair?


Be honest with yourself, be honest with you man, start off like you want to end up.
You could put some extra oil moisturizer and a rub a goop of gel in your head right before you go over there and let him put his hand in your hair and watch him take it out as if he had blood on it. :lol: That will teach him, but it is a little mean...oh well.:angeldevi

And if you don't want to go this route then I like bklynwildheart's suggestion too.

bklynwildheart said:
Damn, you can say that again! :eek: :lachen:

OP: well, isn't massage good for hair growth? Let him be all up in the nape--you can get some extra length; use him to your hair benefit! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
At least I no i'm not the only one who does not want my hair touched when i no i'm about to lay up with my s/o to watch a movie or cuddle i will grab my satin scarf i also get kind of chilled when he touchs my hair and we've been together 13 years so the way i feel and act about my hair is different now than before

i have to remember to take it off sometime lol
Twisties said:
Be glad you have someone girl, some of us still praying for that:lachen:
yep what you said:lol: :lol: :lachen: :lachen: but i would tell him in a nice way dont touch:lol: i had a boy friend that ever time i came from the b shop he want to jump your bone and mess it up now i tell them dont touch:rofl: :rofl: :nono: :nono: :thumbsup: and yes i am still praying:lol: :lachen:
Twisties said:
Be glad you have someone girl, some of us still praying for that:lachen:

giiirrl - you ain't never lied! Now that I have one, I looove when he plays in my hair. Better yet, I 'm glad I got some hair for him to play in!! - Thank you Jesus!
GoldenBreeze said:
Be honest with yourself, be honest with you man, start off like you want to end up.

Indeedly. If you don't want the man playing in your hair, ask him nicely - "Babe, it gives me the weegies when you play in my hair - how about giving me a neck massage instead??"

Clear communication and honesty is the foundation of all good relationships....
HoneyDew said:
Girl, all this past weekend my BF had been messing with my roots. It prompted him to say "Just for fun, why don't you go totally natural."

Wow, that is really nice, I mean at least you know that he is a supportive of YOU regardless. Cool. :up:
I'm glad you like my suggestion! ;)

Seriously Chayil, if he wants to play in your hair so badly, use it to your benefit. Unbeknownst to him, he'll help you get to your hair goals sooner--the fun way... :D ;)

Christa438 said:
You could put some extra oil moisturizer and a rub a goop of gel in your head right before you go over there and let him put his hand in your hair and watch him take it out as if he had blood on it. :lol: That will teach him, but it is a little mean...oh well.:angeldevi

And if you don't want to go this route then I like bklynwildheart's suggestion too.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
MissMadaam said:
Lmao:lol: ...GIIRRLL u bet not whip out dat dag on bonnet!!!! Not cute...And let that good man play in ur hair as long as he dont tangle it and pull it its fine..Your hair is one of the things he like about u so let him play ..Carefully of course:cool:

Well, that's kinda the problem. He doesn't just lightly stroke it...he kinda rubs it. And his favorite spot to rub is my nape.

I'll just ask him to touch it more gently for now. It's too early to let him know about my hair obcession :sekret: .
