Adding Product to Halfway AirDried Hair...


New Member
I didn't know my hair liked this until today.

I had another horror shampoo night. As usual I am airdrying, but my hair is about 40% dry I decided to add more conditioner and seal it with some oil. My hair likes this!!! My hair feels so smooth yet shiny!

How many of you ladies add more product to hair that isn't fully dried? How do you do yours? Leave-ins? Please do share.
I haven't tried this but I'll try on the weekend and see if it helps. Thanks for the tip mizani, keep em coming!!!! Your baggie method is a life saver!!!!
wadadligyal said:
I haven't tried this but I'll try on the weekend and see if it helps. Thanks for the tip mizani, keep em coming!!!! Your baggie method is a life saver!!!!

Wow your welcome. I hope it works out for you.:p
I do this as well. I don't really like putting product on soaking wet hair so I do it this way. I usually use heavy cream sealed w/ wgo.
Me too. When I add oil to my wet hair it just sits on top of my hair making a white coating. At 50-70% dry it absorbs and shines. :ohwell:
Wait, so before you put the products on your hair, is your hair hard? I really want to try this, but I'm scared that if I airdry my hair 40% with no product, by the time I put the product on my hair would be dry and tangled. I hope I said that right, lol. How does your hair feel before you put products on? I usually put my products on soaking wet hair, btw.
I put a very small amount of Elucence MB conditioner on as a leave-in and also a spray leave in (Surge, Aphogee, or, IC hair moisturizer). I add my moisturizer and coco oil when I'm about 50% dry. My hair stays much more moisturized this way.
I use Dudley's PCA & Ego Bost for Ends on Dripping wet hair. When hair is 75% Dry I follow up with Elasta QP then seal with Kera Care Essential Oils. My hair comes out nice and soft every time.
Hmmm, I think I'm going to try this. :)

I normally wrap a towel around my head after rinsing out the conditioner and then I blot my hair dry just a little before adding my leave in. My hair is still very wet when I add my leave in.

I have a plastic cap full of Humectress on my head now and I am about to rinse it out. I will try letting my air dry a bit more before adding any leave in this time, just to see what happens.
I put product on my hair wet and then when it dries about 50% I add more products and put it up. This works like a charm for my hair.