Adding Olive to commercial Shampoo helpful?


New Member
I ordered some moisturizing shampoo but I just received an email that it would take two weeks to get here and I really need to wash my hair. I typically dont like using any other shampoo but creme of nature but I read somewhere that the new formula creates buildup. I was wondering if I could take something like Aussie moist or Garnier Triple Nutrition and add olive oil to it to help with the moisture. Opinions Please :grin:
You could dilute the shampoo with water and add oil so that it's not as drying. I did that when I was relaxed. I used avocado, evoo, and sometimes castor depending on what my hair needed.

I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in. HTH.
You can Pre-poo with olive oil then shampoo... oils seem to help but if the shampoo is pretty stripping not much you can do. Suave shea butter and almond or suave rosemary and mint shampoo already have a ton of oils in it and both shampoos are not as stripping as the typical shampoo. If anything you can spend like $1.97 and pre poo with olive oil until you get your new shampoo.
I normally saturate my hair with EVOO before shampooing. Not lightly coat. Saturate. And that seems to really help with the stripped feeling.
I've been using Chicoro's pre-poo of Aloe juice and EVOO and also mixing a few squirts of shampoo with 1 C of distilled water, 1/2 C aloe juice and 1/4 C EVOO. I love it! the pre-poo and diluting 'poo work great in tandem, but I'm sure adding water and EVOO (and aloe, if you have it) will be great also.