adding olive oil to conditioners


Active Member
i was reading where a lot of the ladies add olive oil to their conditioners and also pretreat the hair with it before a wash. my question is how much do u add to the conditioner, and when u pretreat do u put on hair, scalp and ends? thanks for the help. <font color="blue"> </font>
I add approx a teaspoon to conditioner. When I use it as a pretreat, I warm it up, and concentrate on putting it on mid to ends of the hair only. No where else. I want to put it where my hair is most dry and old, which is the ends...
Hey Ms Jennifer

I also pretreat with olive oil (to allow the hair to retain some of its moisture following a wash). I spritz the hair with warm water then apply warm oil all over, cover with a plastic cap, then sit under a warm hooded dryer for 5 min. Then I let the oil stay on another 10 or so min. If time permits, I leave the oil in for hours!

Yes, I add olive oil to my conditioner also, mainly to combat the drying effects of the mineral oil, which is also in my conditioner (Motions Moisture Plus). To be honest, I've never measured the amount of olive oil I've used. I have a 5 oz applicator bottle filled with olive oil. I warm it then apply some of it to my hair (from roots to ends, but esp the ends) prior to adding the conditioner. Then I sit under a hooded dryer on warm from 15-30 min. HTH

God Bless,
just wanted to say thanks for your timely and helpful replies to my question. i appreciate u both. will add your tips to my hair care regime and see what happens. God bless you.
I get crazy because i dont add teaspoons.. i just pour! Sometimes i'll pour it until its 1 part olive 3 parts condit. I love oil oil and i think it makes most my condits better.