Adding olive oil to conditioners


New Member
Does anyone add olive oil to their conditioners on a regular basis? If so, how much? How often do you use this mixture? What were your results?
I use olive oil on my hair everytime I do Braidouts, that and some other oils.

I dont apply it to the deep conditioner, BUT I do add it to my hot oil treatment, which is home made

I like the way it leaves my hair, soft managable, and give it shine without weighing it down.

I dont know if it is due to the olive oil, because I use other prodcuts also, but it might be it!
I like to add olive oil and honey to my Lekair Cholesterol. I'm not sure of the measurements because I just pour by sight. But just as a rough guess, it's at least 1/8 cup of honey and 1/8 cup of olive oil for every 1 cup of conditioner. I do it just about everytime I wash. I don't have time to do hot-oil treatments during the week, so I feel like I still get the benefits with one less step. I've noticed that I do have less frizziness and flyaway hair when my hair airdries.
Thanx for responding...

I'm trying to find out what my hair likes best right now. I'm not sure which combination for moisture works best yet:

A) Hot Oil--shampoo--condition
B) Preshampoo made of conditioner + Oil -- shampoo -- condition
C) Preshampoo cheapo conditioner -- shampoo-- conditioner with oil.
I used EVOO with Lekair Cholesterol (Aloe) and my hair had great slip once I rinsed it out. My hair was moisturized and soft to touch. I do recommend using this combination.
I put evoo and honey in everything!

I use that mix for hot oil treatments.
I put it in my humectress.
I put it in my lekair.
And I use evoo on my hair when it's damp.

Less frizzies and flyaways, softer, and shinier hair.
I love to add olive oil to my conditioner, usually pantene, because it makes my hair really soft and it doesn't leave my hair dry, frizzy, and hard. Good luck
I like to add olive oil and honey to my Lekair Cholesterol. I'm not sure of the measurements because I just pour by sight. But just as a rough guess, it's at least 1/8 cup of honey and 1/8 cup of olive oil for every 1 cup of conditioner. I do it just about everytime I wash. I don't have time to do hot-oil treatments during the week, so I feel like I still get the benefits with one less step. I've noticed that I do have less frizziness and flyaway hair when my hair airdries.

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I do that too with the exception of adding honey. I think I will try that next time though.
I mix avocado oil with my conditioner. This contributes to my presses being straighter.
EVOO is one of my favorite oils! I also like almond oil! I mix it with Giovanni's Direct Leave-In and I get GREAT results! I don't measure it I just try and mix even amounts!