Addicted to LHCF


New Member
I am officially addicted. I wake up n go to my laptop I get to work n keep LHCF up. I am constanlty checking during the day to c if I got a growth sprut n the last 5min. I am bunning now so that is helping. I am keeping a dilgent eye on my hair. If I wear something n I get a snag I am going to the restroom and talking to my hair. Wat is a sista to do! I am doing the egg cocktail, MTG, Biotin & MSN. I keep thinking wen I wake up in the AM my hair will have grown. I am on a 6mth stretch n Lord I just can not wait 2 c my progress.

Yall my name is Kryymsonkween n I am addicted to LHCF.....................:yep:
Me too. U are not alone. I have tabbed web browsing and I keep this thing open ALLLLLL day at work. I know my internet usage is being monitored yet I am still willing to take the risk. My *** is gonna be at home unemployed with long healthy hair. smh
Me too. U are not alone. I have tabbed web browsing and I keep this thing open ALLLLLL day at work. I know my internet usage is being monitored yet I am still willing to take the risk. My *** is gonna be at home unemployed with long healthy hair. smh

Sade, I feel you! I get mad at work because I don't have access to fotki's or youtube...Seriously...P.O.'d...We'll both be some broke beautiful haired sistas:lachen:
Me too. U are not alone. I have tabbed web browsing and I keep this thing open ALLLLLL day at work. I know my internet usage is being monitored yet I am still willing to take the risk. My *** is gonna be at home unemployed with long healthy hair. smh

This is just too funny :lachen:
i have a week off work (half term) and the whole time I've had half a screen of work/half a screen of LHCF

I love you windows 7!
Sade, I feel you! I get mad at work because I don't have access to fotki's or youtube...Seriously...P.O.'d...We'll both be some broke beautiful haired sistas:lachen:

Same here! I can't see anything. Everything is blocked as far as pics are concerned. But hey at least I can read and post to the site. I'm happy with that.