Addicted to frequent trimming (no trimming challenge)


Well-Known Member
Who wants to join me on a open challenge to not trim for three months? Just like any addiction you must take baby steps so I won't say a year lol. But even three months for me is an eternity. I'm the type that when I see uneven hair I have to trim. My hair doesn't break off and I don't consider my hair damaged but I'm just obsessed with blunt ends. I don't even know why I trim so much when I wear my hair mostly curly! So if this sounds like you, join me for a 3 month trim stretch! Rules: 1)ABSOLUTELY NO SCISSORS IS TO BE TAKEN TO THE HAIR (if you must do the search and destroy method do it before joining the challenge) 2)Check in occasionally and tell us the struggles you are going through with not trimming or things that help you not obsess 3)Don't come in here joining the challenge and you have splits galore or suffering breakage because you need an emergency trim STAT! 4) Be supportive to the ones that admit they want to take scissors to their hair (I know I will definitely need it because I really have OCD about my ends) For the ones that are less than a month post trim, the days or weeks can be added to this challenge (for example if you are two weeks post trim, then you have 10 more weeks in this challenge to go) i expect a person that is addicted to trimming would not say they are 2 months post trim because than you have more will power than the rest of us I do believe lol Questions: how many hours, weeks or days post trim are you? How often does your obsession cause you to trim? How does the thought of not trimming for 3 months make you feel?

Sign the challenge contract by doing this..... *insert name*
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Questions: how many hours, weeks or days post trim are you? How often does your obsession cause you to trim? How does the thought of not trimming for 3 months make you feel?

I am 2 weeks and a day post trim. My obsession causes me to trim every 4 weeks. The thought of me not trimming for 3 months makes me want to go trim real quick before I start the challenge lol. If I don't trim for 3 months it will be a big step for me. I feel my hair should and could be way longer than it is. I'm tired of seeing all these long haired ladies and I'm busy cutting :(

Well this is me signing to join the challenge.......(takes deep breath and signs web contract) *Lilmama1011*
I gave my scissors to my hubby to hide from me. It was the only thing that worked. I first touched MBL 2 years ago but the constant trimming had me stalled there. I finally surpassed it but I'm also transitioning. SMH.

Sorry OP. Hope someone else chimes in.
I am or this the challenge? Or are you starting another thread? I was really bad but now trim every 2 months so I think I can do the every 3 months. I was trimming quite often and loosing all of my progress bc of it.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I am or this the challenge? Or are you starting another thread? I was really bad but now trim every 2 months so I think I can do the every 3 months. I was trimming quite often and loosing all of my progress bc of it. HPG Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

I did a search, I didn't see a no trimming challenge. I was starting a challenge myself HairPleezeGrow
Since I wear my hair mostly curled I don't stress over it during the week, it's when I wash and look and see my ends aren't blunt I want to start cutting
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its going fine, keeping hair rolled and back in a clip
will even out front with back after i relax after the three months or i might still cut with new growth and all :look:
its going fine, keeping hair rolled and back in a clip
will even out front with back after i relax after the three months or i might still cut with new growth and all :look:

You better not cut...I've been doing good as well even though I keep side eying my ends lol. Just doing twistouts. Keeping my ends moisturized and sealed. I was actually due for my 2 month trim yesterday so I might trim today with my fresh start with this challenge and not trim for 3 months. Or I might just wait until the 1st and that will take me to 3 months plus it will be the beginning of the year. Which is perfect to start this challenge.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Lilmama1011 how have you been doing? I still haven't cut. I won't trim until January that will put me at 3 months without a trim I believe.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I've been getting my days mixed up. I completely forgot I did trim last month on the 20th bc my hair kept tangling on the ends and figured I needed a trim. My mind has been off lol. Oh well starting January though I will go 3 months without trimming for sure.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
i was soooo close to cutting yesterday, these different lengths are driving me crazy. i think i decided to not do a blunt trim because that cuts off a lot of length and get a cut, I'm thinking stylist to just cut the shape its growing in like a u or whatever, i really don't know what shape it grows
i was soooo close to cutting yesterday, these different lengths are driving me crazy. i think i decided to not do a blunt trim because that cuts off a lot of length and get a cut, I'm thinking stylist to just cut the shape its growing in like a u or whatever, i really don't know what shape it grows

Yeah I hear you. Do what you feel is right and then back to no trimming lol!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
when i get my ends back to par, i think i will cry lol, but i might still continue with the three months but im bout to get a relaxer in a week so that's the best time to trim
i am exactly a month post trim now. see i told you i have a habit of wanting to trim every four weeks. i wish my mom would send my split ender and i would know each hair is getting something snipped off even the shorter hairs we miss all the time
Well I was tired of the front being like two inches longer than my back and it mad pe my front ends look super thin and I swear I was losing a bit more hair in the front than the back in the back is a coarser texture. So I snipped it off and I am very happy, I sent SO the pics and thought he was going to go off, but he asked did I cut it, so for him to ask, that must mean it wasn't a big difference to him, I should of kept my mouth shut but he always stretches my hair every relaxer to see the length (he is length crazy but doesn't understand thin ends will set you back) for here on, I plan to not trim for 3 months and hopefully go, 6 months after that depending on my hair's personal needs. I wish I could do a year but I don't know if my hair could stand that. I will just do dusting at the every three month mark if I can go beyond 3 months without trimming or every 2 month mark I will dust, either way it will be a step up
Well I was tired of the front being like two inches longer than my back and it mad pe my front ends look super thin and I swear I was losing a bit more hair in the front than the back in the back is a coarser texture. So I snipped it off and I am very happy, I sent SO the pics and thought he was going to go off, but he asked did I cut it, so for him to ask, that must mean it wasn't a big difference to him, I should of kept my mouth shut but he always stretches my hair every relaxer to see the length (he is length crazy but doesn't understand thin ends will set you back) for here on, I plan to not trim for 3 months and hopefully go, 6 months after that depending on my hair's personal needs. I wish I could do a year but I don't know if my hair could stand that. I will just do dusting at the every three month mark if I can go beyond 3 months without trimming or every 2 month mark I will dust, either way it will be a step up

Nothing like a fresh trim! I'm sure your hair feels and looks better. Hubby's don't notice small trims lol.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I'm still doing good on my no trimming...I actually have not had the urge to trim at all!

Are any of you ladies out there on a no trimming personal challenge? Would love to hear your input...
I trimmed my ends at the beginning of the year to start fresh. I'm trying to wig it so I can hide my hair but been so lazy with corn rowing my hair...

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Me too, I have looked at my ends. I know I'm pass my 4 week mark. My hair should be a bit uneven because I have new growth and it's not the same amount all over but I'm still good :)
eight weeks and two days going strong, my hair still looks thick and ends look good. i think i just needed to do my deep cut i had did to get rid of those thin ends. i am so looking for major length retention this year
eight weeks and two days going strong, my hair still looks thick and ends look good. i think i just needed to do my deep cut i had did to get rid of those thin ends. i am so looking for major length retention this year

That's gr8 news! I'm glad you are still going strong...I've been doing good as well but I am noticing splits! I hate when I get hair for some reason gets splits easily.

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