addicted to dusting


New Member
What is wrong with me?! Somebody take these scissors from me. I've been hanging over my desk, dusting all afternoon. It's so addictive. I think I've located every last split end, bent end and knotted end that I have. But I can't stop!! I'm looking so hard at the ends of my hair until my coworker came around looking at me all strange talking about "what are you doing?" I just acted like I didn't hear her and kept on a'cuttin' !!! :lol:
I went to the Motor Vehicle place to renew my license last year and the girl that was going to wait on me asked if I could wait a second. She took the scissors and cut a few snips of hair. I was like :confused: Now I know what she was doing.
From one former dusting addict to another.....stop while you still have ends to dust!!!!

And I have done it at work too so don't feel too bad. However, no one was around and it was at 3am.

Dusting is good if your hair is going through drama at the moment but sooner or later you have to stop!

Dusting is for hair emergencies only!

Stop this madness! NOW! :mad:
:lol: It's a hairboard. If you weren't a little obsessed, you wouldn't have paid to join it!
I think dusting makes more sense than frequent trims. The reason being, I can just snip the few split ends I see rather than sacrafices inches of growth just to remove the few split ends.
Plus I'm thisclose to getting to waist length and I'm not tryna have some scissor happy hairdresser take me back to brastrap length or something even shorter :look:
I carry around a little pair of scissors in my purse and when my hair is out, if I just so happen to see a little "v" at the end of a strand, you best believe that little gremlin is gettin snipped! :grin:
how come i can't see the "V" at the ends of my hair... i look sometimes but i give up b/c i just thought i couldn't see them. sometimes i might shed a hair and look at it and realize that the ends of the hair seems thinner than the top portion but looking for them individually :eek: that seems a little insane for me because i still can't see them!! maybe when i have much longer hair i'll be able to look at my ends, down by my boob or something lol, so it won't be too much effort
I love dusting too but I only do it every two months. When I do it I can sit there for HOURS clipping my ends. So I can see why it can be addicting.
Yeah, it's very addictive! When I was relaxed, I luv'd to dust my ends... Now that I'm natural, dusting isn't as easy... my hair is curly & nearly impossible to get a good "dust" without jackin' it up! (( & I'm not down with heat... yet! ))
Caramela said:
What is wrong with me?! Somebody take these scissors from me. I've been hanging over my desk, dusting all afternoon. It's so addictive. I think I've located every last split end, bent end and knotted end that I have. But I can't stop!! I'm looking so hard at the ends of my hair until my coworker came around looking at me all strange talking about "what are you doing?" I just acted like I didn't hear her and kept on a'cuttin' !!! :lol:

I too am addicted to dusting, but I keep my scissors under lock and key in the bathroom! I don't see any real problems other than thicker and healthier hair. I dust anywhere between every 2-6wks, I used to have a fear of cutting my hair! I now have a phobia about split ends, and I have not seen one in months, but I still continue to dust! As long as you don't offend anyone, what is the harm where and when you dust your ends.

OT: Hi Carmela, just thought of you yesterday! I hope all is well with you .....

Ok, I dont get dusting....dont you end up with somewhat uneven ends?
Thank God! another addict:D I thought it was just me... I have become obessed with dusting my ends... I was seriously considering throwing away all the scissors in the house because I couldn't stop the madness. There's just something soooo relaxing to me about dusting. and my hair always seems to feel soooo much better after a good dusting.
ccd said:
OT: Hi Carmela, just thought of you yesterday! I hope all is well with you .....

Ok, I dont get dusting....dont you end up with somewhat uneven ends?

Hey there! I'm doing well. Blessed and highly favored. I have no complaints! :D
To answer your question, no you wouldn't end up with uneven ends. See first off, you're only cutting about a one hundreth of a snippet of hair and they're scattered. You won't find yourself cutting clumps of hair.
And to dhill's point, your hair feels smoother after a good dusting. Now a dusting and a deep conditioning? Lord'ha'mercy, your hair will feel like heaven!
CurliDiva said:
Please explain what dusting means. I seen this term before, but I'm not sure how to do it.


You need good vision, t i m e, a steady hand, and a good pair of sharp hair or cuticle scissors. And you just strand by strand search for split ends and snip them. The amount of hair you actually cut is very little. Hence the term "dust"... that's what it looks like, little dust everywhere. HTH.
Oh ok...that makes more you keep your hair up mostly? ( since you said, *when you let your hair down*...etc)

you must not have that many split ends right?
Damn! So I did my usual perusal of this site as I was finishing my coffee this morning. I read your post and realized I haven't dusted for some time, and my ends are VERY dry & brittle.

I'm sitting at my desk 1 1/2 shorter now!! I also took 1/2 an inch off the front & sides b/c they are always shorter. Good thing (?) I keep hair scissors at my desk.

But you know what? The ends feel MUCH better! And it's less of a V shape now.

This hair obsession is getting out of control! :ohwell: