Add Olive Oil to Shampoo


I think I'm the only one who does this (to Suave Professional shampoos), and my stylist didn't say anything negative. In fact, I didn't tell him, and it lathered well.

Has anyone else done this? If so, what shampoos do you experiment with and how much do you add to the bottle?
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no I havent tried that, but as you mentioned that your stylist didnt say anything about it. Do you actually take your own products to the salon? If not has anyone ever considered it?....
I haven't tried adding EVOO to shampoo, but I do oil my hair with it overnight before washing, it works great :yep:
no I havent tried that, but as you mentioned that your stylist didnt say anything about it. Do you actually take your own products to the salon? If not has anyone ever considered it?....

Yes years ago I decided to bring my own products to the salon, because my products work better on my hair than most of his.

Sometimes I will allow him to test his products that receive rave reviews on this discussion board. Overall, Infusium 23 doesn't get good reviews on this board; but since he wanted to test it on my hair, I allowed him to do it . . . and now it's been one of my staples for the past three years. It works better than any detangler I've ever own, and it very inexpensive. He even admitted that he has to use a lot.

Since my hair is below bra clasp and most of his customers have very long hair, I don't want him to get skimpy with his products when using them on my hair (if they work well), so those are the reasons why I bring my own products in.

More comments are welcome . . .
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I don't know why I haven't thought of this. I add EVOO to everything condish, my lotions,... Imma try this.
I've never done it, but I will probably try in now:lachen:

I do add Olive Oil to the Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner because its so thick.
I made a thread about this recently and I just tried it today for the first time. It gets a :up: from me.

I used jojoba oil though. It DID lather, but my hair felt great and was much easier to detangle afterwards.

I personally wouldn't put the oil in the actual bottle though. I don't know how the ingredients would react over time and I'm afraid that it would change the effectiveness of the shampoo.
I've done this but not directly in the bottle. I usually pour some in my hand along w/ the poo, rub together and the apply to hair. I use Aphogee EFA oil concentrate(discontinued) and I love the results and the feel of my hair when pooing.
Nice! I'm going to try this with castille soap when I start using it for my hair and body.

This makes sense cos when I wash with my shikakai soap, I leave my prepoo (oils) in my hair, wet it and use the soap to wash my hair - my hair feels so soft after.

Thanks for this thread!
The shampoo i use actually contains Castor Oil & Apricot Kernel Oil, but i suppose adding some EVOO wouldn't hurt.
I add oil to basically everything, so I have definitely add oil to my shampoos. I just recently add EVOO to Dr. Bonners castile soap and it works so much better now for me. My skin, and cuticles don't feel as dry anymore.
I have done this and my hair came out so silky, but I don't use shampoo anymore. I use shampoo bars, so I just pre-poo with coconut oil beforehand.
Adding oil(s) to the shampoo eliminates the pre poo method, plus it saves time. Any non-moisturizing shampoo can be converted to a moisturizing shampoo by adding oil(s), lotion, body cream, skin butter, and conditioner to it.

Some of the same ingredients can be added to conditioners.
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I've never done it, but I will probably try in now:lachen:

I do add Olive Oil to the Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner because its so thick.

Co-signing...I add olive oil to my Biolage Condish when I get 6-7 weeks post on a 8-9 week stretch. It makes ahuge difference in softening the hair and making it more manageable. :yep:
I add castor oil to my shampoo from time to time to keep my NG soft and to enhance the moisturizing effect of the shampoo.