

Hey y'all,

I know this has been discussed many times but how exactly do you use apple cider vinegar? Do you use it before you wash or as a final rinse. I know my scalp has build up and i'm gonna wash my hair soon but need to know how to use it first.

thanks in advance.
Here's how I use mine...I wash, then fill a measuring cup with 1/4 cup of ACV, then fill it up with plain water, rinse with the ACV, then I follow up with a deep conditioner..
i did it the other day...i deep conditioned first then put a cup full in a 2.5 measuring cup....

i think i use more than the average joe...but it has no ill drying....and all the grease and goop slid off in the shower ;)
Thanks ladies!! I'm gonna wait until tomorrow morning to wash away 2005!!!

all the grease and goop slid off in the shower
eewwww!:lachen: I can imagine what's gonna slide off my head especially after using MTG:eek:
determine3 said:
Thanks ladies!! I'm gonna wait until tomorrow morning to wash away 2005!!!

eewwww!:lachen: I can imagine what's gonna slide off my head especially after using MTG:eek:

lol be careful in the shower
I add 2 tbsp to a cup of distilled water and pour it on my head while the poo is still in it, (got this one from the Dominican Salon), or I just pour it on as a final rinse.
oglorious1 said:
Here's how I use mine...I wash, then fill a measuring cup with 1/4 cup of ACV, then fill it up with plain water, rinse with the ACV, then I follow up with a deep conditioner..
Ditto! 1/4 cup ACV in 4 cups water for me followed by a deep conditioner.
How do you use ACV as a final rinse? I cant stand the smell (reminds me of barf . . . sorry ladies ) so I have to have the smell completely out of my hair.
I think I will use the pre-deep con version but I am curious about the rinse.
I've tried it a number of ways, but I prefer to use it prior to shampoo, after I've wet my hair really well.