ACV vs Citric Acid


Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting with ACV and really loving the results....but really hating the smell. Some time back I remember reading somewhere that some people use diluted citric acid instead of ACV to attain the same results without the hideous smell.

I can't find the information though. Do any of you do this? What measurements do you use?

Sorry I can't help you Girlie (I use ACV) A Pre-Mix by Hairveda (or others).

From what I read: with the proper Dilution, you shouldn't be able to smell the ACV in your hair.

Have you checked the ACV Thread(s) to see if you can find anything on Citrus Acid(s)? Or google Citrus Acid Rinses. e-how may have something.
Keep your ph paper on hand, but the answer is yes, if you are using it to close your cuticles. But you only need a tiny, TINY amount in your water. I mean not even an 8th of a teaspoon in 32 oz of water. You have to watch you pH level. Add a tiny sprinkle, then check ph, adding a tiny bit at a time till you get to 4.5-5.5. And ph changes fast, I know from experience. Keep baking soda on hand to raise the ph if you get it too low. Might just do better with small amount of aloe vera juice added to water, does the same thing (aloe vera juice is about a 4, and changes water ph pretty easily.
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