ACV Rinse


Well-Known Member
How often do you guys do an ACV Rinse (every wash, once a week, once a month)?? Also, is it ok to do it every wash? I love the way my hair feels after but I'm not sure if it's ok to do it on a weekly basis.

Tracy and I were just talking about acv rinses the other day. I was telling her that I had slacked off of doing acv rinses (no particular reason, maybe just a tad bit busy and a teeny bit lazy). Anyways, I have started back doing them again. I was doing an acv rinse with each shampoo (usually shampoo every three days, sometimes less often, sometimes more often). I have never experienced any negative effects from doing them this often. I'll tell you one thing. When I slacked down, my scalp knew the difference. So, I vow not to slack off again, because I don't want my scalp 'acting up' (aka product build-up and oily scalp). HTH.
I do mine everytime I wash which is once a week. Even when I did the conditioner washes, on the 7th day I would wash and do the ACV rinse.
I have some ACV in my kitchen. What are the benefits to using ACV and how would I prepare some if I wanted to use it tonight for my hair wash?
Thanks for the input guys:)

As for how much to use, I believe it's 1 tablespoon of ACV per 1 pint of water. Hopefully, that's correct. If I'm wrong anyone please correct me.
:wave: I just wondered if anyone stores their ACV rinse in the refrigerator (as mine has started to ferment)? If so, how long does the rinse last in it’s refrigerated state? Thanks very much ladies :)
I use the ACV or Komaza tea rinse after I wash with shampoo bars or have a lot of product build up...

Happy Hair Growing!..
:bump: :bump: for any ladies who store their ACV rinse in the refrigerator (as mine has started to ferment)? And if so, how long does the rinse last in it’s refrigerated state? Thanks very much :)
:bump: :bump: for any ladies who store their ACV rinse in the refrigerator (as mine has started to ferment)? And if so, how long does the rinse last in it’s refrigerated state? Thanks very much :)

What exactly is in your rinse? ACV alone should not go bad at room temp, it's actually a preservative. I have some vinegar water mix for cleaning that I've had for months...
If you mix it in a weak concentration, I guess, it may be possible for the mixture to go bad. I would just mix it as I use it or like you said refrigerate it.