acv rinse - what did i do wrong?


New Member
ok i finally got around to trying the acv rinse that everyone raves so much about but i dont think it worked for me.
first i used the "milk" treatment as a prepoo (i know i shouldnt try two new things at once but my newgrowth is getting out of control - i am five months post relaxer and a little in need(no alot) of some control.
then i shampooed with con regular formula, then i did my beloved ors replenishing with olive oil and castor oil mixed in. then i took a big bowl, maybe about 4 quarts(?) and put about 1/4 cup of acv and dipped my head into it then rinsed it out. my hair felt a bit weird, but then when i went to moisurize and seal, with aubrey organic honeysuckle rose and aloevera gel mixed(been using this lately for winter) and then seal with coconul oil it sat on top of my hair. yes i mean on top, it did not absorbe into the follicle as usual!! i know this is suppose to seal the follicle but, is it suppose to bar it shut? then i washed again, clarified, then slept with ors replenishing and pantese r & n mask mixed with castor and evoo. hair still felt a bit weird but a little better in the morning, then i did the acv again, still weird. this time i did not put the moisturizer i use, just went to seal with vatika and that sat on top of my hair in small white beads!!!! whats the deal? what did i do wrong? oh and i should mention that i did henna my hair a few days ago - maybe this was too soon after henna? maybe the milk treatment was? no breakage i am happy to report but just weird feeling hair with hair curl pattern that is slightly less but nothing to write home about. :wallbash::blush::wallbash:
I think instead of dipping your head in, just pour it over your head. I usually put it in a bottle and pour it on my head in the shower after washing everything else out..also, don't wash the ACV out

other than that you seem to be doing everything right. Try it one more time and see what happens

ETA: I don't know much about henna but maybe that paired with all the other treatments you have done has just saturated your hair??? Hopefully someone else will chime in
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I think instead of dipping your head in, just pour it over your head. I usually put it in a bottle and pour it on my head in the shower after washing everything else out..also, don't wash the ACV out

other than that you seem to be doing everything right. Try it one more time and see what happens

ETA: I don't know much about henna but maybe that paired with all the other treatments you have done has just saturated your hair??? Hopefully someone else will chime in

ITA:yep:...pour it over your head we're not washing ACV out??? I was wondering why this wasn't working for me.

I think instead of dipping your head in, just pour it over your head. I usually put it in a bottle and pour it on my head in the shower after washing everything else out..also, don't wash the ACV out

other than that you seem to be doing everything right. Try it one more time and see what happens

ETA: I don't know much about henna but maybe that paired with all the other treatments you have done has just saturated your hair??? Hopefully someone else will chime in we're not washing ACV out??? I was wondering why this wasn't working for me.
Nope, I use it as a final rinse. I wash with my Amala Shampoo...then DC with a mixture of Sitrinillah and Vatika Frosting. I detangle and rinse this out in the shower. After rinsing, I pour the ACV mixture over my hair. After that dries a bit, I proceed with moisturizing/styling, etc.
Nope, I use it as a final rinse. I wash with my Amala Shampoo...then DC with a mixture of Sitrinillah and Vatika Frosting. I detangle and rinse this out in the shower. After rinsing, I pour the ACV mixture over my hair. After that dries a bit, I proceed with moisturizing/styling, etc.
a ha! so i guess i need to wash again - my family is going to think i am nuts! washing 3x within 24 hours. :drunk:
oooh i am not supposed to wash it out? maybe thats it! also i have hard water - could that be making a difference?
you may need to clarify...hard water on top of all those treatments may have your hair pores a little clogged!!!!

clarify, deep condition, and then end with the ACV and you should see a difference:yep:
If hard water is the issue than I believe that you actually need to chelate which is removing mineral buildup up and things. I believe that clarifying removes product buildup. ORS Aloe is a chelating shampoo.
I just did a rinse yesterday and it was WONDERFUL! I used a tablespoon to about 2 to 3 cups. I dumped this over my head 3 times. I put a plastic cap on and let it sit for about 40 minutes. I than rinsed it out and my hair felt wondefully soft and just moisturized.

In my past conditioner wash my ends felt dry and crispy. I did a baking soda wash and this acv rinse and my hair was super soft my ends felt hydrated. I than did ORS replenishing pak and left that on for about 45 minutes rinsed and my hair was shiny and soft. I havent put any type of leave in on my hair and left it like and my hair is still shiny and soft. Zip leave.
Maybe you need something stronger to cut the cones in the Pantene Mask first (not sure if ORS Replenshing has cones either, but I feel like it might). Just a guess.:look: I did mine wrong too. I think I put too much ACV. Plus I only had NTM Conditioner (which has cones in it). I think I will wait to try again.

Wait, you don't wash the ACV out? That doesn't seem like it'd be good for your hair. But I guess if its already diluted then maybe its not that bad, lol. Does the smell fade then?
Sounds like you may have product buildup, add a little baking soda to your poo, use your fav chelating poo, or add straight ACV to your hair, and let is sit for about 2 minutes prior to shampooing. Then follow your normal routine, add the acv+water to a pitcher, and pour it over your head....

If you have hard water then you should really see a benefit, the acv actually restores ph balance of the hair....I too would suggest not washing the acv out. It does stink a bit, but the smell goes away after 30 minutes or so.
Maybe you need something stronger to cut the cones in the Pantene Mask first (not sure if ORS Replenshing has cones either, but I feel like it might). Just a guess.:look: I did mine wrong too. I think I put too much ACV. Plus I only had NTM Conditioner (which has cones in it). I think I will wait to try again.

Wait, you don't wash the ACV out? That doesn't seem like it'd be good for your hair. But I guess if its already diluted then maybe its not that bad, lol. Does the smell fade then?

Nope don't rinse it out, it is good for your hair...shampoo's, stylers and other products have a lot of alkaline in them....leaving the acv in after your final rinse will balance out the ph balance of the hair, and also helps control dandruff. Leaving it in also protects and covers the surface of each hair shaft, which reflects more light, and creates shiny hair, it also makes it smoother and easier to manage. :yep:
I had no clue it did all of that. I need to get on that with the quickness! Thanks for the info ladies! Also, how often can you do an acv rinse?
Ok, ACV rinses make more sense to me now. I did not know that shampoos, etc. were basic (alkaline)... maybe that is why my hair got too soft when I used to rinse it with baking soda water..hmmm. I will have to try this again.
Sounds like you may have product buildup, add a little baking soda to your poo, use your fav chelating poo, or add straight ACV to your hair, and let is sit for about 2 minutes prior to shampooing. Then follow your normal routine, add the acv+water to a pitcher, and pour it over your head....

If you have hard water then you should really see a benefit, the acv actually restores ph balance of the hair....I too would suggest not washing the acv out. It does stink a bit, but the smell goes away after 30 minutes or so.
i think you a right - i read a thread the other day that talked about the importance of clarifying and chelating if you have hard water(which i have) and then a lightbulb went off in my head - i read all of this when i joined the forum but now i see that it takes a bit of time for all of this info to sink in - so i chelated and clarified and tried the acv again and it worked great - just like others described. thank you for chiming in, i think i will stick with this!
I had no clue it did all of that. I need to get on that with the quickness! Thanks for the info ladies! Also, how often can you do an acv rinse?

Depends on the head...also depends on the ratio as well. My hair can take it weekly...I use it every single time I shampoo. Without it, the water was death to my hair (I have hard water like you wouldn't believe) Try it at a smaller concentration and see how it works for you... like 1/4 cup to two cups water (if you have HARD water, try to buy distilled if you can) I have also been collecting rain water ;) to use instead of distilled since it has been raining in LA You can do that as well if you live in an area that gets significant rain fall.
Can someone explain how to do the Baking Soda treatment and how much ACV to use?

I am 13 weeks post relaxer and need something to tame and protect my NG.