Above the Influence - "I Do Me"


New Member
Thoughts about this ad?

I'm in love with all things marketing and advertising, so I HAD to post this.

The first time I saw it, I can honestly say I was a bit offended by it. I felt it kinda sterotyped Black women and our hair. Then on the other hand, it is nice to see a black woman being the primary, in this case ONLY, focus of an ad that encourages other young black women to take a stand and think for themselves. :)
I actually didn't like it, lol.

I got the message and generally agree with it but something about "When people do A, I do B" just strikes me as another form of being a follower. Sometimes my style coincides with trends, sometimes I'm on another level. I think being truly independent means you just don't care and you 'DO YOU' period, lol.