About to run out of BIOTIN...


New Member
I bought a bottle of Biotin from GNC, 2500 mcg for $14.99. I want to try a different brand...not so expensive though. Is it good to switch up brands of vitamins or just stick to the regular one I always use.

What brands of biotin do you ladies use?
Has anyone tried Solaray Biotin 5mg Time Release I saw it a whole foods. Sounds like it may stay in your system longer?
This is from another site:
affordable solaray
Solaray® Biotin, Two-Stage, Timed-Release

This product is designed so that half of the Biotin is rapidly released and the remaining is gradually released over the next 6 hours. A patent-pending, two-stage, timed-release technology extends the availability of Biotin to the body over a longer period of time. Biotin is intended to provide nutritive support as a conenzyme involved in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. It is also intended to provide nutritive support for healthy hair and fingernails
Freeda biotin is pricy, but it dissolves quickly and itches better than Country Life biotin (in my experience). I'm sticking with Freeda.
I also use PP. I have only been using them for a month. I bought them because many people on this board use them.

Their website is puritan.com. They are still having buy one get two free sale. Not sure how long that will last.
Puritan Pride did not work for me I get better results with GNC biotin will try Freeda soon though.