About to fall off the wagon....


New Member
I'm trying to stretch my relaxer. I'm at eight weeks and I already look like a lunatic. I have little hairs springing up all over the place at my hairline and sides. I have tried everything to shellac them down! Plus, I read all about the "soft, springy new growth" everyone else is so happy with and I touch mine and it's DRY CITY. I've oiled, wrapped EVERYTHING...It's just not cute. And certainly not professional looking!

To make matters worse, I'm shedding like crazy! I give up. I'm relaxing tonight with a deep cond. after.

I will airdry instead of anything else, though...Sorry for the rant.
Awww...don't give up just yet! You're doing so well. Have you tried moisturizing your new growth?? I've heard from many ladies on the board that it can make a BIG difference.

CO washes help also.
Well, if you do relax your hair, then you can start over and try to make it one more week longer than you did. Easy does it!
I know how u feel. The same thing happened to me. I only lasted 8 wks last time and I couldn't take it anymore. It's strange b/c in the past I've been able to go 3 months without relaxing. I think the difference this time was that I was washing (w/poo) more so the newgrowth was just too much.

This time, I'm gonna go for 3 again. Hope I get there. :ohwell:
a lot of people like to use scurl on their new growth. try moisturizing the new growth and see what happens b4 you try relaxing.
Thank you all for responding. I have tried moisturizing....then some more. It just doesn't stay that way. I may relax tonight and just commit to airdrying & wrapping only until the next time around. I know I can't do both heat and relaxing, so maybe it's the direct heat that has to go...
I am going to relax at 8 wks also. But only because the back right side is really underprocessed. Just keep trying. My last touch up was the only one in which I made it to almost 12 weeks. (11 weeks 5 days).
Damn...off goes the wagon into the distance....Oh well, better luck next time!
Thanks for all the advice/support, though...
I say do what's best for you and your hair! A lot of people cannot stretch their relaxers. Good Luck in what you choose!
Actually, I've managed to stretch to 12+ weeks (14 to be exact!) and my new growth has never been so manageable! I'm even using MTG which has sped up my growth and I'm not having trouble! That's not to say I don't experience some dryness, but I'm just careful to moisturize alot. I use ORS Olive Oil lotion on my ng in the evenings and then I use S-Curl in the mornings. But I'm a student so I can get away with wearing a scarf on days when my hair gets too poofy.
You may try using a thick moisturizer like mango butter along with a boar bristle brush to smooth down your edges and just start bunning. Growing hair sure isn't a walk in the park, but really it comes down to know what works on your hair and making some compromises.

I forgot to add that I conditioner-wash up to 3 times/week depending on how dry my hair is. This also helps. Alot.
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