Abnormal Shedding?


New Member
Since about mid-summer my hair has been shedding more than it was for the first half of the year. At first I thought it was just normal because shedding is seasonally and typically happens in the summer but now that it's getting cold out, the shedding hasn't decreased at all.

I don't really know what's normal shedding for me because before I joined this board last year I never really paid much attention to how many hairs I lost a day though I do remember when I was younger I would loose a fair amount.

I tried the garlic paste remedy one of the members suggested (smelled HORRIBLE) and it didn't really help. I also tried BT. I can't say that my hair is significantly thinner after these few months of shedding but I'm concerned that it will be a problem at some point.

So I'm wondering if longer hair just sheds more? (Because when my hair was shorter after i cut last year it didn't shed at all.) Do men with short cuts shed? Maybe thicker hair sheds more?

Any theories or suggestions would be much appreciated.
The homemade paste did not work for me either. I went ahead and spent the $20+ dollars on Alter Ego Garlic conditioner. There were rave reviews about using it once and excessive shedding stopped. Not for me. So I used it 2 more times (I DC once every week) and BAM! The shedding has stopped. Like I cried when I lost so much hair from shedding and I have thin here already. I would make sure I detangled before I did any prepooing of washing or conditioning but still, nothing but handfuls of hair. I use to run my hands down my ponytail and feel like the entire thing came off in my hands. However, I also cried when it stopped too. :yep: I was soooooo relieved. Also take in account that stress could do it also; something that may have happened weeks or even months ago could just now be manifesting in your body. Anyways, I usually don't recommend products unless I've used for several months and had great results. This I used in a spand of 3 to 4 weeks and no more shedding, thus no more tears. It's something you might want to check out.
I experienced the same thing thing past summer, and I don't know if it's stopped because I went ahead and got a sew-in. Hopefully, it has decreased since I've been taking garlic supplements daily.
Thanks for your responses Ladies. I considered taking garlic supplements at one point but I'm concerned about having the odor issues I've read some women experience with it. Also I think it's a scalp issue for me. I think I may go awhile and try the Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner...
Brew a pot of extra extra strong caffeinated coffee. Let it cool, pour it on shampooed/cowashed hair, apply baggie, leave it for 30 minutes to an hour under dryer. Follow up with a dc of your choice. You should have phenomenal results. In other words, Shedding? What Shedding?
Same thing happened to me this summer :nono::nono: I cut 3 inches off and did a protein treatment and wear protective styles... My hair shedded overtime to where it thinned out :nono::nono:.. So now I just wear a bun 5-7 days a week, use a mild protein like Aphogee 2 Minute reconstructor and deep condition with heat every wash.....
Same thing happened to me this summer :nono::nono: I cut 3 inches off and did a protein treatment and wear protective styles... My hair shedded overtime to where it thinned out :nono::nono:.. So now I just wear a bun 5-7 days a week, use a mild protein like Aphogee 2 Minute reconstructor and deep condition with heat every wash.....

...that's what I'm scared of, especially since I'm still recovering from thinning in some spots. I'm trying Aveda Scalp Benefits this week. I'll post a review if it works.
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My hair has been shedding alot too, but I believe mine is from having a baby (postpartum hair shedding). It sucks. I think I will keep mine bunned up too until it grows back. :rolleyes:
Thanks for your responses Ladies. I considered taking garlic supplements at one point but I'm concerned about having the odor issues I've read some women experience with it. Also I think it's a scalp issue for me. I think I may go awhile and try the Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner...
Suffering from the same problem but I caught it too late and now have a patch and a thin spot :nono:. I just brought some odorless garlic pills from target...
I have had success with Cinnamon and sole shampoo and cond----it makes ur roots nappier:blush:...thats how it works by tightening growth and scalp

and with ALter ego garlic.
Hair shedding could be due to so many things. Have you had a physical recently to get a clean bill of health? Low iron could cause shedding as could very little or too much Vitamin A. As could thyroid disease. As could systemic candidiasis. As could stress. As could hormones.... It could be anything, so seeing a doctor and having them eliminate any health-related causes should be your first step.
I just went ahead and bought some Alter Ego Garlic. I've noticed more shedding lately the two times I flat ironed in the last month. Then again I rarely comb or brush my hair (only detangle with fingers and Jilbere) so it's probably normal but I didn't want to take a chance. Besides- don't most people shed more in the winter? I wonder how much this will actually curb what is considered to be normal shedding.
OOPS! Almost forgot. FYI if you're looking for the best price on Alter Ego Garlic, Beauty of New York had the 1000 ml for 34.99. I decided to go ahead and get the big one because of the shipping charges.