
New Member
I'm on the hunt for a sls free, moisturizing, and scalp tingling shampoo. I believe that Abba meets all 3 of my preferences. I just want to know is it really moisturizing? How's the lather? Is it ok for natural hair? Where can I buy it and how much is it? Thanx ladies!
Hey, I've been using this product since about June of 08. I love it. I do think it's moisturizing to the point that I could probably detangle my hair just after rinsing the poo out without adding any con. I don't think it has much of lather, but I don't use that much (about a quarter size on each half of my head). If you use it in conjunction with the conditioner, your scalp will have a nice refreshing tingle afterwards.

Though I'm not natural, I think it does pretty good job in cleaning my scalp, but not stripping my new growth of moisture. And to answer your last question, I'd stalk TJ Maxx or Marshall's if I were you for this product. Once, I got a bottle of the poo for 10 bucks at Loehmann's (the small size), and the 2nd one I bought, was like 3.99 at Marshall's. TJ Maxx sells the liter size (in the new packaging and all, so it's newer product) for about 15 bucks. Online, the liter is like 25. HTH!
This conditioner has been recommended by Sistaslick I think as a moisturizing poo and it has been in my wish list for a while. The reason I have not yet bought it is because I already have a ton of poos that I am trying to use up. I will most likely be ordering this maybe around the summer of this year (2009).
I use this shampoo as well and I love it. I bought it from months ago. I agree with what Menina said about it. I consider it to be moisturizing and I am in love with the minty feeling on my scalp. Like Menina said, it doesn't really have much of a lather, but that's alright with me. My hair and scalp feel nice when I rinse it out. I'm not a natural but my new growth is kicking and this shampoo does moisturize my hair. I would give it a try. :yep:
I am currently using it and think it's very moisturising. The minty sensation is great on your head but the shampoo stings like crazy if gets in your eyes, that's the only problem I have. Libra08, I think you will need a clarifying poo like Aloe Rid to remove cones. This poo is probably a little too gentle for that. HTH
I use it and find it moisturizing...It does not strip the hair... I picked up the liter from Marshalls for only $9.99.