A year of progress (April 09 to April 10)


Well-Known Member
last April I did a mini chop due to raggedy ends and breakage. :look: I cut about 3 to 4 inches off which took me from grazing apl to sl. Now Im past apl and praying for BSL by the end of the year.

I don't have a good pic of the back of my head in april 09, pretty much it was an even cut all the way around.


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your hair looks like it's in GREAT shape!

whatever you've done differently, it's been working!

you look like you're only a hop, skip and a jump from BSL!!!
great progress!!
i was all up in your fotki last night-both you and your hair are lovely :D
it's really nice to see inspiration from someone with fine strands like mine. :yep:
Congratulations, your hair is grow, grow, growing!!!! No doubt, you will BSL- just keep doing what you are doing!