A word of advice when trying new hair products!


New Member
I know we make a lot of jokes about our PJism here. A lot of you have expressed your disappointment in the way one or another product works for your hair. The thing is that everyone's hair is different. Different textures, different moisture levels and different colors. You get what I mean. When you try out these new products, try to do a little research on the product first. A good source is someone else here who has tried the product. But even that is not sound proof. Remember our hair is exactly like no other. Even siblings will have different hair textures, thickness, etc. For instance Supergirl's hair is thicker than mine, but I really wanted to try the TIGI Chocolate Head conditioner. She thought it was okay but was not impressed with it on first use. I knew that I wanted to stop the shedding but I also wanted to ensure that I did not lose any moisture from my hair. So I used a deep moisturizing conditioner after using the chocolate head, even though it said to use moisturizer before. My hair has several different textures, 2,3 and 4, but it tends to be on the dry side. So I make sure I always, even when doing a light protein conditioner like Keraphix to add a moisturizing conditioner on my hair at the same time the protein treatment is on. If it is an intense protein treatment I will rinse that out and follow with a good 30-60 deep moisturizing conditioner. If it is a light protein treatment, I simply add the moisturizing conditioner at the same time and leave on for 10 minutes. I am able to a light protein conditioner every week without breakage. The secret is having the right amount of protein to the right amount of moisture.

So don't right off products right away, experiment with them. You can add honey/oil to a shampoo or conditioner if you find it too dry. If it doesn't improve after the third dry, you know the product is not for you. So then you can trade it on this board. Also try making your own apple cider vinegar rinses to use after shampooing/conditioner. It should be the last thing you do before applying leave in conditioners, styling products to your hair. The ACV actually helps the PH of your hair and many find that after doing it, the shine in their hair is restored. Remember your hair is unique just as you are!
Edie said:
Remember your hair is unique just as you are!

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So true. Thanks for posting.
thanks for the advice.
it was this post and a couple others that i was referring to in my post about the bed head chocolate head.