A week of growth..pics included


just recently got my hair done last week by a new stylist, who makes her own products, she used to work for a hair product manufacturing company, so she knows her stuff, I asked for some samples, the girl gave me some of her vitamins and grease(it's more creamy than greasy), I've used both of them daily, and I've gotten a week of amazing growth, she told me my hair would grow crazy, but I wasn't expecting this much growth in a weeks time...here's the pics, I about fell out when I looked at my hair this morning...





I tried to do the best I could with the pics, but the stylist says she grew her hair from bald to shoulder length in a year using her own vitamins.
I have something like that I bought from a lady. It has a shea butter base and they put it in baby jars. This lady was actually from Senegal and ships it to her friend here in the states.

Whenever she gets it, it flys off the shelf.

I bought a jar and did not use it enough to test.

This braider was calling it grease, as well, but it is creamy texture that melted on to skin.

It actually smells like that grease from Sunrise Products.
WOW, I'd like to know to get my hands on some of her products too, preferably the vitamins.
HoneyDew said:
I have something like that I bought from a lady. It has a shea butter base and they put it in baby jars. This lady was actually from Senegal and ships it to her friend here in the states.

Whenever she gets it, it flys off the shelf.

I bought a jar and did not use it enough to test.

This braider was calling it grease, as well, but it is creamy texture that melted on to skin.

It actually smells like that grease from Sunrise Products.

This is nothing even close to Sunrise Products, I don't know what she put in in, I just know there are a lot of herbs in it, and I know it's not Shea Butter because I have Shea Butter in my freezer.
Gurl, you got me thinking about driving to LA, I could stop by Little India too... :scratchch

I'm supposed to be in reform...

****tiptoes back outta thread**** ****again****
Thanks for the link...was it the "conditioning ointment" that you got? Can you share how much you paid, please?
The product that she gave me is the hair grease( I don't know what she calls it) it's not a grease it's creamy, to be honest with you, I asked for a sample, of the vitamins and the "grease", so I don't know how much she charges, but they are for sale, if you lived in L.A. you would be able to stop in for samples, but since you probably don't you could give her a jingle, about her prices.
Okay. I'll call tomorrow and ask about pricing. I forgot about the time difference and got the voicemail.

Thank you so much for all of this.
oglorious1 said:
Acually she closes at 8 p.m PST, so she's still open now.

I keep getting the voicemail...:ohwell: ...I'll try again tomorrow. I also filled out the "Contact Us" form on her website.
Has anyone ordered??? If so could you post your growth shots so I can see how it works on other people...my hair is still growing like mad from this stuff, it's just unbelievable!!!
She wrote me back on Sunday or Monday and gave me the pricing and her paypal email addy. I sent a payment for the vites and oil on Monday, she's not completed the transaction or written back. :confused:
The vitamins are 12.99 and the grease is 7.99 or 2 for 12. I ordered the vitamins and two jars of grease. The only thing is the owner said she takes about 6 vits per day so a bottle may last only a week. It may get expensive but sounds like it may be worth it- I'm looking forward to amazing results and will post later-
Could it be that since it's summertime that you are experiencing super growth.

I saw one siggy that said that their hair grew 1/4 inch in nine days. To me, that growth is average in the summer.

I love the fact that your hair is growing. Maybe it's because you are putting good things in your body instead of on it.

Please don't throw tomatoes at me.
I ain't throwin' tomatoes Anky, that growth for me usually takes me about 3-4 weeks, I started taking 2 in the morning and 2 at night, then I slowed to 2 in the morning, and used the grease maybe 3 times a week at most, but everyone's body and hair responds differently to products, so I'm sure your results may not be my results, but the stuff truly worked FOR ME, I'm only telling you what happended FOR ME, the girl knows her stuff and is very knowledgeable about hair products, she has done her research, I don't know everything about hair care ingredients but I know good stuff when I see and use it. The proof that it worked is in the pics...that reminds me I need to order more vitamins myself before you guys buy em up.....LOL Happy Hair Growing....
I received my shipment today. Sadly, I smelled the grease through the package. It smells really good but one of the jars cracked so it was rather messy. The grease actually looks like a facial scrub/clay but it does absorb well. I'll post results later.
I am happy that you are getting the faster growth!

Personally, I am just tired of all the fast grow stuff. there are so many options that it can make your head spin! :eek: