A Warning To Everyone About Youtube Christian Playlist!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I just wanted to make this post to warn everyone please watch closely about youtube playlist videos! I had to evict demons out of my house, phone, and soul after going to sleep to a playlist called "worship soaking music" mistakenly thinking I was going to listen to holy spirit filled soaking worship music. Nothing out of normality for me. The first two or three songs actually were! They were incredible and beautiful. I feel asleep but then I was having a nightmare and woke up and heard yoga transcendal meditation songs playing on my phone! It was the same playlist playing middle eastern religious music! I went ballistic and rebuked Satan any and everywhere I could! I had to repent and cast out demons out of my soul "(if their were any). I was so disgusted and angry at mysef! Ladies, I learned a big lesson tonight. Please check your playlist thoroughly! I've been falling asleep to these youtube playlist for so long with no problems I foolishly trusted that all the Christian ones were created by convicted individuals! I was really shocked tonight!
@agOO Can a demon reside where the H-ly Spirit resides (your soul)? You didn't like the playlist, ok. But people aren't going to become possessed by demons, ok? If anything, the bad influence is this fear. I hope this article helps:


Fear shows a lack of faith in God. It’s been said a fear of Satan is nothing more than faith in Satan. That may seem like an odd way to put it, but I think there is truth to that. Let’s look at the biblical evidence why this shouldn’t be true.

12 Reasons Why Christians Shouldn’t Fear Satan or Spiritual Warfare
  1. Jesus is the creator of all things, including Satan and all spirit beings and He has authority over them. Colossians 1:16-17
  2. Jesus proved He is greater than Satan when he easily resisted and defeated Him when he attacked Jesus. Matthew 4:1-11
  3. The demons Jesus encountered feared Him! Matthew 8:28-30
  4. Jesus delegated His authority over demons to his followers which includes us. Luke 10:17-19
  5. Jesus destroyed Satan’s power by dying on the cross Hebrews 2:14 and disarmed spiritual rulers and authorities Colossians 2:15
  6. We have the Spirit of God indwelling us and He is greater than Satan. 1 John 4:4 This means Satan cannot control any Christian against his or her will.
  7. The Scripture promises Satan can’t touch us. 1 John 5:18-19 There are no warnings about or examples of Satan or any demons physically hurting any believers in the Bible except the unusual case of Job.
  8. We were delivered from Satan’s domain and transferred to Jesus’ kingdom when we trusted in Christ. Colossians 1:13
  9. Satan and his forces can only attack us as God allows. Job 1-2, Luke 22:31-32
  10. We have been given a defense, the armor of God, to resist all satanic attacks. Ephesians 6:10-18
  11. The fact that the Bible tells us to resist Satan assumes we can do it. 1 Peter 5:8-9, James 4:7
  12. In the one story in the Bible where God allows Satan to unleash his power on a believer, Job and his family, Satan did not win and Job ended up better off than before he was attacked. Job 42:10-17
Where does fear come from? God has not given us a spirit of fear 2 Timothy 1:7. Fear is an attacking thought from the enemy. Fear is the opposite of love 1 John 4:18.

3 things to do if you fear Satan.
  1. Make the decision to resist the specific fear with the faith in God. James 4:7, Ephesians 6:16-17
  2. Focus on fearing God, having a genuine informed respect for His power and majesty. Proverbs 1:7, 9:10
  3. Meditate on the love God has for you, which will drive the fear from you. 1 John 4:18
I understand what our OP. She recognized a different spirit and it was disturbing and offensive. She noticed the difference and did not want that in her place of peace.

It reminds me of how I feel about rap music and certain other genres. It's not the peaceful spirit of God and it is offensive.

I'm happy that both of you posted as you are both sharing excellent advice.

God bless you.... :love2:
Sorry I'm late for replying. Thank you guys both for helping me out. I know I sounded kind of crazy but I was just freaked out because of multiple things. When I woke up, it looked like a heat vapor was rising from the phone and I was sweating and heard that music, it scared the daylights out of me. I'm doing so much better now. Thank you guys once again.
Thatole nastyy devil doesn't want any of us to believe we have the victory in Christ and that Jesus already has won! He's been defeated. The more one dwells on evil things/experiences/fears of such, the more the devil will work that fear and manifest. Treat the devil like flies. Always be in the realm of Christ, in good relationship with Him so that we're not in the realm of the evil one.
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Sorry I'm late for replying. Thank you guys both for helping me out. I know I sounded kind of crazy but I was just freaked out because of multiple things. When I woke up, it looked like a heat vapor was rising from the phone and I was sweating and heard that music, it scared the daylights out of me. I'm doing so much better now. Thank you guys once again.
Thanks for your post. Very helpful. BTW, a christian can have demons that attempt to effect the soul.
I know this for sure but I believe that your spirit man or woman rather is saved. God is working on our soul is our heart and mind which is encased in our spirit aka spiritual body which is encased in our physical body. That's why the bible speaks of the renewing of the mind and to have a pure heart. Who can ascend to the mount of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Psalm 24:4.
It's a necessity to learn the Word because in the spirit world that is your defense. So when you speak, the Word of God and a sword is being released. And Jesus Christ is going forth as you speak because He is the Word but I believe this is when you speak the words thaft come verbatim from God likein Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. However I'm not sure because I've had success in warfare speaking psalm 91 too which includes God's word verbatim at verse 14.
Can someone comment on this?
I'm not ever saying we should not be careful, though. There is a lot of danger in the world. But you have the victory. Have faith. It's tough, sometimes, I know. I just got blessed medals for our household. But don't believe that that makes one possessed.