A Warning about Glycerin.


Well-Known Member
I know, I know, we can't get a break. :lol:
Anyway I'm reading a natural health book and it contains this brief snippet on glycerin:
"Many cosmetics and skin-care products also contain glycerin. This chemical occurs naturally in any foods from which oil can be extracted. Synthetic derivatives are used in many foods as a preservative, since it prevents moisture loss, but it is also used in personal-care products for these properties. External use of glycerin-containing products, however, is detrimental to sin barrier function, because the chemical draws moisture from the skin's underlying tissues to keep the surface moist, ultimately damaging the barrier integrity."

Haven't some members complained that glycerin stopped working after awhile and made their hair dry? :scratchch
Since it works for many I don't know that you want to dump your S-curl just yet, though it may be advisable to avoid getting it on the scalp as much as possible.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
This makes sense. I use glycerin in my homemade products, but just a touch. I can't use products heavy in glycerin often because it just makes my hair greasy, not moisturized.
NOOOOOOO........Not my baby "S-Curls". Thank you so much for the info. I have not experienced any side effects yet, but at least I will know what to look for.
Cheleigh said:
This makes sense. I use glycerin in my homemade products, but just a touch. I can't use products heavy in glycerin often because it just makes my hair greasy, not moisturized.

It doesn't work well with my hair either. Looks like I have snot in my hair or something. :lol:
I only mix it with my conditioner for curl definition then I rinse out. I will never leave it in my hair. I use sodium lactate when I need to leave sth moisturising in my hair instead
I've heard about this before, but for right now, I'm still clinging on to my S-Curl! :D I only apply it to my hair anyway... not to my scalp. ;)
Oh no, I love my glycerin:( .
I know it glycerin also absorbs atmoshperic moisture so Im just hoping on humid days especially it absorbs enough water from the atmoshpere to saturate it. That way it wont rob my hair too much.
I feel like Im back to square one and I have to find another product:lol:. Anyway, I really seem to be having great results from sta-sof-fro, so for now I will take it easy until I find something else.

Thanks for the info.
UmSumayyah said:
I know, I know, we can't get a break. :lol:
Anyway I'm reading a natural health book and it contains this brief snippet on glycerin:
"Many cosmetics and skin-care products also contain glycerin. This chemical occurs naturally in any foods from which oil can be extracted. Synthetic derivatives are used in many foods as a preservative, since it prevents moisture loss, but it is also used in personal-care products for these properties. External use of glycerin-containing products, however, is detrimental to sin barrier function, because the chemical draws moisture from the skin's underlying tissues to keep the surface moist, ultimately damaging the barrier integrity."

Haven't some members complained that glycerin stopped working after awhile and made their hair dry? :scratchch
Since it works for many I don't know that you want to dump your S-curl just yet, though it may be advisable to avoid getting it on the scalp as much as possible.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
And that's why it's best to add plenty of water with your glycerin to make sure it doesn't suck it from your hair. The less water in it the more it sucks from your hair and vice versa. I know I had to leave scurl alone...my hair didn't feel too good after awhile.
Thanks for the info, I guess that's why s-curl and some other products dry my hair out.
i use it the same way i would glycerin, i either add to a conditioner or deep condioner mix, mix with my leave in, mix with water to spray all over my hair for moisture and i also mix it with surge and other products to spray on my scalp
thanks. I think I just might finish off the glycerin I have and give sodium lactate a try. Thanks for the website link. I've been looking for a paraben-free preservative for some formulations I've been planning and it's been hard to find a source til now! Thanks alot for that :). They have some interesting emulsifiers as well
I use a mix of glycerine and rose water, but only in the summer. I love it. I don't use it on my scalp, though.