A Visit to The Salon


New Member
Today I visited the salon and told my hairdresser about my self relax incident with ORS and how it left the back of my head burning and itching.

She told me 1) that 2 weeks is enough time to wait before doing a corrective and 2) that I could use a lye relaxer over the no lye and experience no adverse effects.

I am having my hair relaxed professionally this time. I have learned my lesson. Thanks to you all suggesting I wash with neutralizing shampoo again, my head would be still itching. :)

I have a whole bunch of newgrowth in the front causing my hair to break so I need to do something with it.

I would like to know if what my hairdresser said was true so i can go further with it.

Any tips and advice are welcomed.:D
I personally wouldn't do a corrective after only 2 weeks. Mind you I've become a long stretcher over the last year or so. I don't know about doing a corrective of lye over no lye, so I can't comment on that.

As for the breakage, you probably just need to manage the line of demarcation. Try to wear styles where you don't have to manipulate your hair too much. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. You may need to do a protein treatment as well.

Hopefully some other ladies can chime in.
I alternate between lye and no lye all the time without any adverse effect.
However, I do think that doing a corrective touch up only 2 weeks after your initial one is not a good idea. I'd wait another 4 weeks at the least.
Personally I am a bit leery of stylists in general. I trust my LHCF sistas waaay more than I would any stylist that's fo' sho! :yep:

That said, I had a disastrous corrective relaxer experience that was done as soon as 1-2 weeks after the initial touch up. All of these services were done in a salon. I didn't see any ill effects immediately but in retrospect I am sure this is what led to some serious breakage I suffered for months after the fact. I personally would try to stretch until the time for next the touch up and if you couldn't stand it, you could touch up at 8 weeks instead of 12 weeks and beyond, or however long you normally stretch.

As far as the corrective lye over no lye that sounds really dicey and suspicious. I can't intelligently comment on that though, as I have no experience with it either. :look: