A trim is 5-6 INCHES????


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've been transitioning since March and have been in braids the whole time. This past Saturday I went to my neighbor's hairstylist because he's knowledgeable about handling transitioning hair. Well, I went to him and he washed, conditioned, blow-dried my hair in sections, then flat-ironed the new growth. Overall, he did a great job. I looked and saw that my hair was past bra-strap and was pleased! I just had some raggedy ends from the braids. He then asked if I wanted a trim. I told him yes, just take off about 1 1/2, 2 inches to make them look healthier. So he was telling me I should take off more but I told him no, just the thin ends, because to be honest I was thinking about texlaxing because of the length I achieved. Well, he does a quick trim, flat irons the rest then curl. I looked in the back, and sure enough, he took off all the length!!! :censored::angry2: It reached just past my shoulders!! I looked at him, and yelled 'WE DISCUSSED THIS!! WHY YOU CUT ALL OF IT OFF!????' And like a typical hairstylist he stammers "I didn't take a lot off.." I fanned my back and showed him. 'Do you see any hair on my back between my bra and up here? NO!!' I just got up and stormed out.

I really thought I found a stylist I could go to during the winter because for some reason I just don't like wearing braids. I had planned on wearing wigs, but now I'll have to wear braids again..
I cant do it

I would be like

Listen before we get started.

I only want you to take off at the most an 1/8th of an inch and if any more than that I will not be paying you LOL
Im am soo sorry this happended to you.. I can imagine your feelings, I would have been sooo mad!!! I am soo glad you got up and walked out too... I wouldnt want to pay either!!!! You take it easy and know your lovely hair will be back in no time... And again it will be ok
I am so sorry this happened to you. I would have been so angry. I've been there before though. My stylist always wants to cut way too much off. I don't let her touch my hair anymore.
Dang! Girl I hope you didn't pay him a dime. After I got wacked by a stylist in Dec I decided then if they do not honor my request, they will not get paid. Bottom line.
You did the right thing by not paying and leaving immediately. I wish more people did that. Sorry about your hair. :(
why are these so called stylist so scissor happpy ? I never understood that.

Just because you pay 200 dollars for a pair of scissors doesnt mean you have to use them every chance you get.
Dam So sorry girl.
I am so sorry this happened to you.:sad: It makes me so angry that another person violates, because that is what he did.. your request.. I pray your hair will grow back longer, and healthier,, I am glad you didn't pay him!
Where did you go? I woul have punched him first. You told him what you needed him to do. I would sue him. You had an agreement of the 1.5 inch. See that is why I stopped going. these poeple are too scissor happy. you cut my hair i will cut ya (its the brooklyn in me talking) Im so sorry this happened to you. Please do yourself a favor. Go to the stylist you choose not your neighbor's. Take care of your ends in the mean time and you will have you length back soon. Once again Im so sorry.
:nono: I just don't understand. I always wonder too why some stylists will show you that they are only cutting 1/2 inch pieces without telling you they're cutting the same sections, just 1/2 inch at a time. That way you won't be alerted by the seemingly small pieces falling. It makes no sense why stylist and client can't meet on the same page.
Ladies thank you soo much!! I only went to him because he helped my neighbor's daughter grow out her perm and she's seen him do that with other patrons. Now I'm sitting here today with a half-wig on pulled back into a bun. My co-worker has been watching my progress and she was HEATED!! We call her Brooklyn's Finest and she was ready to go up there and cuss him out herself!:lachen:

Closer, believe me I wanted to do punch him too, but he's kind of big. I should of had my hubby with me, he's 6'3 and 285!:grin:
Ladies thank you soo much!! I only went to him because he helped my neighbor's daughter grow out her perm and she's seen him do that with other patrons. Now I'm sitting here today with a half-wig on pulled back into a bun. My co-worker has been watching my progress and she was HEATED!! We call her Brooklyn's Finest and she was ready to go up there and cuss him out herself!:lachen:

Closer, believe me I wanted to do punch him too, but he's kind of big. I should of had my hubby with me, he's 6'3 and 285!:grin:

Which Salon is that in BK so I can avoid it. OoOOHH Im soo heated for you. He should experience a beat down for that. That you make him a better stylist and more attentive from now on. And evreytime her picked up those damn scissors he would remember you and the beat down..:grin:
I'm sorry this happened to you. This is another reason why I won't let my stylist trim me anymore. I've had this happened and I know how it feels. You did right to walk out but it still is what it is.

Ladies... I'm mad that this keeps happening to us. Can we make a decision to not allow stylists to "trim" our hair? Get someone who loves and cares about you to trim it. I get my mom to trim me cause I know she won't do me dirty.
Which Salon is that in BK so I can avoid it. OoOOHH Im soo heated for you. He should experience a beat down for that. That you make him a better stylist and more attentive from now on. And evreytime her picked up those damn scissors he would remember you and the beat down..:grin:

His name is Everton and he works out of this salon called Yvonne's on Madison between 53rd and 54th. It's in an office building. I heard he's been there for a minute.
Sorry this happened to you. I only let my DH trim my hair because I know he won't trim too much. I won't even let my mom near me with a pair of scissors.

You hair is beautiful and it will grow back healthy and long! I'm glad you put him on blast!!
Ok, I've been transitioning since March and have been in braids the whole time. This past Saturday I went to my neighbor's hairstylist because he's knowledgeable about handling transitioning hair. Well, I went to him and he washed, conditioned, blow-dried my hair in sections, then flat-ironed the new growth. Overall, he did a great job. I looked and saw that my hair was past bra-strap and was pleased! I just had some raggedy ends from the braids. He then asked if I wanted a trim. I told him yes, just take off about 1 1/2, 2 inches to make them look healthier. So he was telling me I should take off more but I told him no, just the thin ends, because to be honest I was thinking about texlaxing because of the length I achieved. Well, he does a quick trim, flat irons the rest then curl. I looked in the back, and sure enough, he took off all the length!!! :censored::angry2: It reached just past my shoulders!! I looked at him, and yelled 'WE DISCUSSED THIS!! WHY YOU CUT ALL OF IT OFF!????' And like a typical hairstylist he stammers "I didn't take a lot off.." I fanned my back and showed him. 'Do you see any hair on my back between my bra and up here? NO!!' I just got up and stormed out.

I really thought I found a stylist I could go to during the winter because for some reason I just don't like wearing braids. I had planned on wearing wigs, but now I'll have to wear braids again..

I know you're mad. I would have been mad, too, but did you pay? :look:
Ladies thank you soo much!! I only went to him because he helped my neighbor's daughter grow out her perm and she's seen him do that with other patrons. Now I'm sitting here today with a half-wig on pulled back into a bun. My co-worker has been watching my progress and she was HEATED!! We call her Brooklyn's Finest and she was ready to go up there and cuss him out herself!:lachen:

Closer, believe me I wanted to do punch him too, but he's kind of big. I should of had my hubby with me, he's 6'3 and 285!:grin:

I'll loan you my DH to go back up there with your DH, mine is 6'8 and 300lbs and... he ain't saved like he outta be! :yep:
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His name is Everton and he works out of this salon called Yvonne's on Madison between 53rd and 54th. It's in an office building. I heard he's been there for a minute.

I am so sorry this happened to you :angry2: please put this dude on blast in the Salon Review forum! If he can't listen to a client's request, then he doesn't deserve our business!
That's awful! :( :nono: I'm so sorry that happended to you. Keep your head up, though. Your hair will grow back better than ever! :yep:

But, man, I'd like to give that stylist a piece of my mind....and a dose of: :catfight: :angry2: