A Suggestion for the Mods


Active Member
I noticed that you guys are constantly having to step in and calm down a situation or preface a thread before it gets going. I know that you will always have to do this, but I think there is a way to cut down on the attacks.

As a reader and poster here, I have noticed that the gut reaction of a lot of members is to post an immediate emotional response based on the title of the thread. Many post without having read what has already been posted.

Maybe you can make it a rule that a person has to read at least the last 10 or so posts before they post a response? That way they are not continually posting something that has already be said or jumping on a point that has already been clarified. It was also cut down on the number of times the rest of us have to read the exact same opinion over and over again.

I have posted to other boards where having a blanket rule about having to read through a portion of the thread before responding has cut down significantly on the number of attacks that happen due to a misunderstanding of what was initially intended or what has already been clarified.

I just think some of us (myself included) get so excited about giving our opinion that we don't really read what is being stated and I have been embarrassed many times for myself and others because of jumping the gun so to speak when it came to putting my opinion out there.

I always feel a little bit of embarrassment for the person that makes the long thought prevoking post that stemmed from them simply not understanding what the poster was saying but going from the title and the first couple and maybe the last sentence of the inital post. IT also seems like such a waste when some people don't even bother to read what other have said before jumping in with an opinion. Why bother posting if no one is going to read it?

Anyway, it's just a suggestion that worked on other boards and I thought might help calm this one down a little.
Thanx for your opinion, but me personally I dont think it would help much here. The fact that many poster post in agreement with others is well within their right. Adding another rule would just cause more harm then good, but I will alert the other mods/admins to your suggestion and see what shall prevail.