A sight for soar eyes

Lady Esquire

New Member
I was at Publix last week with my hubby and two daughters standing at the check out line, minding my own business. My head was buried in a gossip rag reading about poor Britney and her new shiney dome. And then I glanced up and saw this breath-taking African American young lady with gorgeous hair, flowing down passed her waistline.

I usually never stare at people. If I notice a pretty head of hair, I normally admire it for a moment and immediately go on about my business. But this girl's hair was sick! It was about 3c or a really fine 4a. She had it parted down the middle. It layed flat with no curls whatsoever. It looked as if it was freshly flat-ironed. I doubt it was a weave because of the way her scalp showed through and the hair was fine, and the way it was so evenly flat, and the way it flowed.

Either way, I do not remember being wowed to that degree in such a long time. I normally gawk over beautiful hair here on the boards. But in person, a sight like that is rare. Looking back, as I sit here and type this to you all, I feel somewhat foolish for gushing. Maybe I should have taken a pic with my phone...but that would have made me appear a bit stalker-ish...and I have a rep to maintain. LOL

Anyway, thought I would share. It provided me with inspiration, so maybe it can do somewhat of the same for you too.

The first person I thought of while reading this was Supergirl.

I wish I could see someone like that in real life. Around here, black women with healthy hair is scarce. Oh I wish.:(

I saw one lady and she was natural and she had a braid down to her butt!! My goodness.
Girl don't feel bad b/c I have seen women whose hair had that same effect on me as well. I am usually trying to keep a straight face while at the same time picking my chin up off the floor, and at the same time wondering how I can phrase my comment without sounding stalkerish:lol:

I feel your pain........