a sewn-in WIG???????


Well-Known Member
I just bought a new light-weight instant weave in honor of my approaching vacation!;) While browsing at the BBS, a thought hit me!


If I care for the instanta weave like a regular weave -this could be a great solution for anyone who want a change or just can't get their weave to look as good as the instant ones- I think this could WORK!

Has anyone else ever done this? Can you think any reasons why I should NOT do it?
I've never done it but I know people who have. I believe KiniKakes did. The Instant Weaves are usually pretty secure for me with just the comb so I never felt the need to sew. It'll save you a lot of money though. I know those Instant Weaves helped when I was in college and didn't have a lot of $ to spare.
How do you do it? Do you braid the hair and then sew it on to all of the braids like a regular sew in or just on the first and last braid? Does anyone have a pic of this?
I don't have a pic. But I would either braid my hair up the traditional circle way or corn rows all back and gather all the ends and tuck. What worked for me was just sewing all around the perimeter but NOT at the edges. I wore and still wear full wigs though. For My half wig, just the crown area by the comb attachment and perimeter is sufficient. It will be easier to find the thread to take loose when you are ready to take it off.
Do you all use human hair or synthetic half-wigs? I JUST discovered half-wigs and they have been useful for me as I am not prepared/ready to wear my natural hair out just yet. My plan is to wear them until New Year's and unveil my natural hair on my birthday (New Year's Day).... I am braiding my hair underneath and wearing the half-wig.

I'm thinking that I would prefer not to sew the wig down because I like the idea of taking it off and "treating" my hair at night with my homemade hair growth spritz and I can shampoo/deep condition weekly. I'm also thinking that I don't need to co-wash or rinse my hair because I'm not wearing it out and I don't want to over-manipulate it?
All human hair wigs for me- lasts forever, looks real, and can cut style, customize as you please. I am currently wearing a short short #2 and I put blond highlights(i did it twice so it is a #27, # 30 mix) in it and thined the bulkout with thinning shears. It looks completely real. As soon as I develop some pics I will add to my profile.I didn't sew this one on because I am doing the same -taking on and off for surge, wgho and mtg purposes. But yes- If you are really just trying to not be IN your hair for days on end the sew on option is terrific -
This is a great idea!! I'm going on a trip in a few weeks it would be nice to not worry about slippage of the half wig or trying to maintain my regimen while we're out mountain biking, at the lake, hiking, etc.

You ladies are great! I definitely wouldn't do this all the time though cause I like fussing with my hair but for shorter periods...:up:
bmoreflyygirl said:
I've never done it but I know people who have. I believe KiniKakes did. The Instant Weaves are usually pretty secure for me with just the comb so I never felt the need to sew. It'll save you a lot of money though. I know those Instant Weaves helped when I was in college and didn't have a lot of $ to spare.

Yep, I did sew my half-wig in! I usually would just throw it on for the evening and take it out that night........ but when I ran in a beauty pageant 2 years ago, and had to stay at the hotel for that weekend, I didnt want to be bothered with taking it out every night, only to have to put it back in the same position the next day. So I asked my stylist to sew it in.

So she left out the proper amount of hair in the front, cornrowed the remaining hair, then put the hair fall in, attaching it with the comb..... then she put several stitches in. Not too many, just enough to secure the fall. This was such a lifesaver!!!!! So I wore it all that weekend and slept in it, treating it just like a regular sew in weave.

I have pics of my hair fall in my Fokti (album marked Tracks/Hair Fall), if you want to check it out. :)
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I think I have just found my solution!!!! Oh yes I am sewing it in. I know its only a matter of putting on and 2 bobby pins but sometimes I just want to wake with my hair already on....
How long would people leave it in for though. I know kinikakes left it for a weekend but I would think with long periods it would be hard to access the real hair to moisturise?