A Setback...


A fleck on His Sword
I sectioned my hair off a different way for wash day. When I started working on a section in the back, right on the the base of the skull (the occipital, or hook of the head), I felt it. The ends of the hair were kink up like old baby doll hair and shorter than the rest in the back. Craptastic...

It looks like those ends were worn down while sleeping. This is a new problem; I used to wear puffs more often in the past, so I avoid it. Because of my concern for my edges and top due to shedding, I barely wear them anymore. I had forgotten how my back and left side would tangle from sleeping when I had the curl. No wonder my twist-outs looked weird in the back.

It looks like at least 3" will have to go at some point. :perplexed:First, I need to figure out how to protect my hair at night.
Scarf? Bonnet? Silky satiny pillow case? Whatever you're comfortable with..your hair should be protected at night.
Get you a silk a large silk scarf. Tie it in the front instead of the back.
I have a silk bonnet, silk pillowcase, and the thin silk scarf I used for my coat collar. I think I need to do something extra, like twist up the back against my scalp and then tie it down or stick my LocSoc over it. This will be interesting since these super coils do not like being moved when dry. Time to start misting...
I have a silk bonnet, silk pillowcase, and the thin silk scarf I used for my coat collar. I think I need to do something extra, like twist up the back against my scalp and then tie it down or stick my LocSoc over it. This will be interesting since these super coils do not like being moved when dry. Time to start misting...
Twisting them up lightly may work, I wouldn't do the bonnet for awhile, unless you put your scarf on first. Hair is just moving around in there.
I sectioned my hair off a different way for wash day. When I started working on a section in the back, right on the the base of the skull (the occipital, or hook of the head), I felt it. The ends of the hair were kink up like old baby doll hair and shorter than the rest in the back. Craptastic...

It looks like those ends were worn down while sleeping. This is a new problem; I used to wear puffs more often in the past, so I avoid it. Because of my concern for my edges and top due to shedding, I barely wear them anymore. I had forgotten how my back and left side would tangle from sleeping when I had the curl. No wonder my twist-outs looked weird in the back.

It looks like at least 3" will have to go at some point. :perplexed:First, I need to figure out how to protect my hair at night.

Can you braid that section at night? Maybe single it out and give it extra care and protection? If certain areas of hair are responding differently to the same handling, sometimes doing something different can help address the problem. I hope you can save that length!
Can you braid that section at night? Maybe single it out and give it extra care and protection? If certain areas of hair are responding differently to the same handling, sometimes doing something different can help address the problem. I hope you can save that length!
I am trying to see if the ends can be salvaged somewhat because they are no splits, which could save an inch. Unfortunately, I have that dreaded W shape, making stretched style fall weird. I won't do any major cut; I need that length for puffs.

Thank you all for you help!
OK, it is not as bad as I thought. It looks like about an inch was worn off instead of 2" I initially thought:


The difference in texture is hard to see, but I can feel it. The worn ends are hard and uncooperative, in the old vernacular - nappy:

Normal ends:

I have no splits, just that slight W line in the back. Pondering a trim schedule for 2". I hate trimming...