A SET of Hair Products


New Member
I have tried so many products from all different kinds of lines. Are there any suggestions for one line of products that I can use that might work. I know I saw a youtube of HydraTherma Products and I came here to research them and realized someone from LHCF started the company. Does anyone use the entire line or have other suggestions?
i have been using hydratherma since february. i assume you see results around months 4-6. i have bald spots so if it works for me, i will recommend it to everyone! my edges are back after a month of it, but my hairline and that bald spot is another story :wallbash: :perplexed

patiently waiting.....
The HydraTherma line was a miss for me, but quite a few ladies have had success with the line. My "go to" line is Elucence.
My sister uses the entire line (sans the heat protectant) and likes it. She's relaxed and type 4. Here's a snippet of her regimen:

- alternates between the Moisture Boosting Deep Conditioner and the Amino Plus Deep Conditioner

- moisturizes with the Root Stimulator on her scalp followed by the Leave-In conditioner, Growth Lotion, and Growth Oil (to seal)

I haven't tried it.
Aphogee makes a very good line. But they are lacking some key components (In my opinion). They have an awesome shampoo; good, moisturizing daily condish; good leave-in spray; an oil product; and even vitamins. But they lack a daily cream moisturizer, a Deep conditioner, and a relaxer.
I used the Verifen Complex line consistently for 10 years. It worked very well for me. Then I stumbled across this board. I stopped using it for about four years by letting it sit in my closet. Now I rotate Verifen with other products that work for a lot less, but I have to "doctor them up."
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It's difficult for me to find just one line of product. Some brands make good shampoos and conditioners but crappy styling products and vice versa.
I have never tried that line before. But if I had to choose a set of products it would Nexxus and if not Nexxus, then Elasta QP. But only because they've got decent products in each category (poo, moisturizing DC, protein DC, etc). But I don't think I would ever limit myself to just one line because I've got staples in several lines that wouldn't dare give up on.