A scared newbie and her day of firsts (kinda long)


New Member
Hello lovely ladies of LHCF:love: !

Just thought I'd drop a line and introduce myself. I've been lurking for about 2 weeks and have learned soooooooooooooo much from you guys. Here's a wee bit about my haircare history and what led me to be here on the wonderful forum while I airdry my hair for like the first time EVER!

I had lovely hair as a little kid, 4a, thick, soft well cared for. My mom is very knowledgeable about hair and took wonderful care of my hair when I was younger. But of course at 14 i begged to get a relaxer which made my hair BEAUTIFUL for like a second, until I stopped taking care of it like the day after I got it done:lol: . After about 2 years of my hair getting thinner and more scraggely looking, I made the jump to microbraids and never looked back. Didn't care for the hair underneath it, and as a result of the microbraids my edges started fleeing from me. I wore microbraids for about 4 years (my poor hair)

Then last January I made the dumbest decision ever and relaxed my hair and immediately put a fusion weave in my hair. But after years of never caring for my hair, I certainly did not start doing it now. BOY OH BOY. My hair became JACKED UP!! When I FINALLY took it out 6 months (I know!) later my crown area had about 2 inches of badly broken hair left. So I wisened up and decided to start really caring for my crowning glory!!:grin:
Last August I relaxed my hair again and cut it into a very cute faux-hawk, that had been inspired by Eva Pigford (from America's Next Top Model). I've been dong my very best to take care of my hair well since then, but little did I know that a faux-hawk is VERY hard to grow out while looking cute. When I first cut it the back and crown were about and inch long while the top and front were about 4 or 5 inches long. As a consequence I had to curl my hair with a pretty terrible curling iron every couple of days....:perplexed

In October I started taking Viviscal after reading about it in Vogue magazine and it has been AMAZING! Every time I went to my stylist she has been marveling over how fast my hair is growing. But I am greedy:grin: and knew my hair could be even healthier, and grow even faster which brings me to how I found LHCF!!

My hair is now neck length in the back and chin length in the front. My main problem is length retention! I've gotten 2 trims since August and have had pretty consistent breakage, probably due to my intermittent laziness/comb addiction. Yes ladies, I am a Comb Addict!! I comb my hair, ALL THE TIME! Since my lurking started I've tried cutting back and i'm much better now! I've got a pretty good regimine in place now with Keracare and NTM products, and I just finished co-washing for the first time ever and am now airdrying it (for the first time) in a ponytail about half way then I'm going to try doing some pin curls!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I've learned so much from you, you ladies are so sweet, so inspirational, and have some of the most beautiful hair on the planet!!:love:

I hope to have an album up and running in a week or so to help me monitor my progress and I look foward to offering advice (my mom is a fountain of good hair knowledge, why did I ever stray?!?!?!) and learning more and more!:)
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I am glad you have already found the site helpful. I am pretty new myself and the information I have learned has already proven to be invaluable.

Happy growing.:grin:
Welcome and glad to know you're already off and growing! Are you already drying your hair without using heat?!
Thanks for the welcome ladies!!

And yes indeed I am drying without heat!! I have been a slave to the salon for the longest and 2 weeks ago made the decision to end that dependence, except for my touch-ups and trims (at least until I get brave enough to self-relax:lachen: ). I've been rollersetting, and I've gotten MUCH better at it, but I decided to give airdrying a shot. I don't really need to look that fly for a few days so if it comes out badly, the it's no problem at all, I'll be washing again on Tuesday and can rollerset then! And if it comes out great then WOOHOOO! My career as an airdrier shall commence!!:lol:
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SohoHair said:
Thanks for the welcome ladies!!

And yes indeed I am drying without heat!! I have been a slave to the salon for the longest and 2 weeks ago made the decision to end that dependence, except for my touch-ups and trims (at least until I get brave enough to self-relax:lachen: ). I've been rollersetting, and I've gotten MUCH better at it, but I decided to give airdrying a shot. I don't really need to look that fly for a few days so if it comes out badly, the it's no problem at all, I'll be washing again on Tuesday and can rollerset then! And if it comes out great then WOOHOOO! My career as an airdrier shall commence!!:lol:

Wow, I'm truly impressed! It took me almost a year after joining the board to even think about quitting heat. You know you can rollerset and airdry -- that's how I started out and it comes out same as if using heat -- just took like 10 hours to dry! LOL. In order to speed up my "no heat" drying, I stated using the "cool" setting on my hood dryer for roller sets an that cut my dry time down to about 3 1/2 hours. Just a tip in case you want to go that route sometime.

Welcome again and happy growing!