A Retaliation Or Revenge Spirit

I pray you do not worry for naught; I'm dealing with this now at work now too... God - not the devil - is in the details. He IS keeping watching over you and watching the whole thing play out and nothing and no one escapes his providential rule. Stay encouraged. A good reference is Matthew 10.
Even Jesus endured this challenge more than once, more than twice, more than three times, it was each day of His life, here on earth.

When the crowd took hold of Jesus and tried to thrown Him over a cliff, what did Jesus do? Did Jesus seek revenge, retaliation?

He simply turned around and walked right through them. He went right passed them and totally unnoticed and Jesus continued on about His Father's business. Praise God.

You see, even in the midst of confusion, we have an open "way of escape'...just like Jesus. Leave the opposers to themselves, God has a way that is far better than ours. In the meantime, we are blessed with the peace of God which surpasses the 'enemies' as well as our understanding.

Father God, we thank you for delivering us from all evil, that you lead us not into temptation, for there is no temptation that you, yourself has not conquered and defeated for us. For this and all of your love we thank you with all of our hearts and souls. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen