A Relaxed and A Natural Feature of the month...


New Member
Hey ladies...I love our features of the month. This months feature, lala, is so deserving...she has the most extraordinary relaxed tail bone length hair.

Yet, I was thinking maybe we should do two features of the month each month -- one with relaxed hair and one with natural since both types have their own unique beauty.

Anyone agree?

I think it would be cool to do something like that. I don't really see it as division, but more like highlighting the multiple hair types on this board. But it might be a little time consuming to do it every single month. Maybe like once or twice a year they could choose a lady from each of the categories (relaxed, natural, texlaxed, etc) and highlight them all for that month.
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mkstar826 said:
I think it would be cool to do something like that. I don't really see it as division, but more like highlighting the multiple hair types on this board. But it might be a little time consuming to do it every single month. Maybe like once or twice a year they could choose a lady from each of the categories (relaxed, natural, texlaxed, etc) and highlight them all for that month.

i like this idea!
i've seen a some naturals and some relaxed for FOTMs.....they normally do switch it up.....but this idea is good since there are SO MANY lovely heads of hair on this board...more of them would get a chance to shine.....
I wouldn't really see it as division...I see it as highlighting the best of both worlds, but then again I'm not natural so maybe I'm not as intuned to divisions that may be present on the board.

Any other thoughts?
