A quick update... I can't believe it!


Well-Known Member
Hey Cuzzins!

I had my hair shampooed and blown out last week and was shocked at what I saw. Don't get me wrong, my hair is STILL not at BSL :look:, but I can't believe the difference in just one month... Now mind you, I got my texlax on 12/12 and the other pic is from a blowout on 1/23.

I don't believe it, so next time wear it straight I'll check again :)

Just in case anyone asks, I am not using growth aids and have NOT even been taking my vitamin for the last few months (I know... it's bad).

Just shampoo every 7-10 days (sometimes longer... again... bad girl :look:). I use NTM and Nexxus at home and I'm not sure what she uses at the salon. No direct heat on my hair except for salon days which are sporadic (like once a month or once every 3 months for touch ups). I don't protective style anymore and just wrap at night or wear a roller set when not in a pony.

I think I hit it all. :look:
At first I didn't see much growth I just thought your hair looked nice, then I looked at the numbers on the shirt and realized you went from right above 7 to a full 8. Great Progress! Congratulations!
At first I didn't see much growth I just thought your hair looked nice, then I looked at the numbers on the shirt and realized you went from right above 7 to a full 8. Great Progress! Congratulations!
That's what i was looking at too!!
It is growing really fast:yep:
Yup that hair has definitely done some serious growing!!! Keep up the great progress, and WOW all that without using anything? You go girl!:grin: