A question about tithing and blessings


Wife Supremacist
The pastor of my church said that "if you have been tithing and haven't been blessed then it's probably because your neighbor isn't tithing. If everyone doesn't tithe then tithing doesn't work. Turn to your neighbor and ask then if they are the one who is holding up your blessing." :perplexed

Now I don't want to get into the whole are we required to tithe under the law or are we supposed to give freely whatever amount we want thing again. I am still reading scriptures and praying and trying to figure that out. But assuming that you believe that you are required to tithe and are cursed if you do not, is his statement true according to the Bible?
I'll respond from this angle:
1) there should be clarity about what is actually a "blessing".
2) tithing (or obeying the Bible in general) should be done because the Lord said to do it, regardless of what our neighbor is or is not doing.
3) It would be a sad day if MY BLESSING was contingent on somebody else's OBEDIENCE and actions.... Thank the Lord that (I believe) the Lord doesn't work like that....

I'll just toss that out there and see what sticks....
The pastor of my church said that "if you have been tithing and haven't been blessed then it's probably because your neighbor isn't tithing. If everyone doesn't tithe then tithing doesn't work. Turn to your neighbor and ask then if they are the one who is holding up your blessing." :perplexed

Now I don't want to get into the whole are we required to tithe under the law or are we supposed to give freely whatever amount we want thing again. I am still reading scriptures and praying and trying to figure that out. But assuming that you believe that you are required to tithe and are cursed if you do not, is his statement true according to the Bible?

Your pastor is probably interpreting the Malachi scripture. God did promise to curse the whole nation because the priests weren't bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse. So he's not exactly wrong if he believes that, especially if he believes we are still under the law.

On a personal level, I don't think what he said is right. Tithing wasn't really about personal blessings. It was about providing an inheritance for the Levites.

I also agree with RR that it depends on how you define blessings. Every living person on this earth is blessed in one way or another, even non-believers.
My blessings never stopped....

To God be the glory for His unfailing mercies.
The pastor of my church said that "if you have been tithing and haven't been blessed then it's probably because your neighbor isn't tithing. If everyone doesn't tithe then tithing doesn't work. Turn to your neighbor and ask then if they are the one who is holding up your blessing." :perplexed

Now I don't want to get into the whole are we required to tithe under the law or are we supposed to give freely whatever amount we want thing again. I am still reading scriptures and praying and trying to figure that out. But assuming that you believe that you are required to tithe and are cursed if you do not, is his statement true according to the Bible?

UHHHHHH...I dunno about my neighbor...but I know today I def got a thumbs up for getting back to tithing...so I mean...I'm all for it!
Your neighbor is not holding up your blessing while at the same time your 'tithing' does not guarantee your blessing from God. The requirement to tithe was just for the nation of Israel. It was just one of the 600+ laws that God gave them to obey. The Malachi scriptures clearly identify the intended audience. It is directed to the nation of Israel and specifically the priests.

The focus of our giving is supposed to be for the poor, the fatherless, and the widows. We are supposed to be blessing them instead of focusing on what we can get in return.
